Men’s Refresher Facial

I’m not as kind to my face as I should be. My sun-kissed skin shows my age and my pores sometimes get clogged from the oils and dirt that collect from running and working out. I scrub-a-dub-dub but my face takes a drubbing. Not to mention what daily shaving can do. It’s difficult to achieve the deep cleaning my skin needs.
The Men’s Refresher Facial followed by a NuFace treatment at the Villas Health Center was a restorative and cleansing 90 minutes — I didn’t want the treatment to end! First I lied down on the massage table, and the esthetician waved citrus aroma under my nose, signaling the beginning of an awesome experience. Next a gel cleanser was applied to my face, delicately wiped it off, and my temples were gently massaged.
Next, my eyes were covered by a cool and moist cloth. The esthetician explained that she was analyzing my skin with a lamp and magnifying lens so she could plan a custom treatment based on my skin’s needs. A warm steam vaporizer was used to loosen and open my pores, and then I felt some mild prodding and squeezing as my pores were deeply cleansed. Afterwards, the esthetician wrapped a refreshing and warm towel around my face.
The succeeding facial massage, yoghurt mask, and clay mask were all soothing and left my skin hydrated and smooth. Between each step, the esthetician used a warm sponge and cleanser, refreshing my skin, setting me up for the NuFACE treatment.
NuFACE is a micro-current tool used to stimulate facial muscles and give a little lift. After it was applied around each eye for a few minutes, the bagginess was visibly lifted. With fresh eyes and skin, my face was cleaned and wrapped in a warm towel again before more crèmes and serums were applied.
I’ve had massages that were awesome and relaxing and when they were over I felt transformed into Adonis. The Men’s Refresher Facial with an added NuFACE treatment was more like a wrinkle erasure and furrowed brow calming treat. While I felt fully rested, I didn’t fall asleep as I usually do during a relaxing full body massage. The gentle temple rubbing and facial massage in between layers of hydrating crèmes and exfoliation were incredibly soothing and tension releasing. My reduced wrinkles and cleaner skin were immediately noticeable. I felt ready to face the world.
You can read more about the Men’s Spa Program here.