Herons and Egrets
Great Blue Heron *
Great Egret *
Green Heron *
Snowy Egret *
Vulture, Hawks and Eagle
Turkey Vulture Y
Black-shouldered Kite *
Cooper’s Hawk Y, B
Sharp-shinned Hawk W
Red-shouldered Hawk Y, B
Red-tailed Hawk Y
Golden Eagle *
Prairie Falcon *
American Kestrel Y
California Quail Y, B
Shorebirds and Gull
Killdeer *
California Gull *
Mourning Dove Y, b
Band-tailed Pigeon *
Greater Roadrunner Y, b
Great Horned Owl Y, b
Barn Owl *
Western Screech Owl Y, b
Common Poorwill Y
(inactive in winter)
Lesser Nighthawk * S
Vaux’s Swift M
White-throated Swift S
Black-chinned Hummingbird S
Anna’s Hummingbird Y, B
Costa’s Hummingbird Y, b
Calliope Hummingbird * M
Rufous Hummingbird M
Allen’s Hummingbird * M
Acorn Woodpecker Y, B
Nuttall’s Woodpecker Y, b
Downy Woodpecker *
Red-breasted Sapsucker *
Red-naped Sapsucker * W
Northern Flicker Y, b
Western Wood-Pewee * S
Pacific-slope Flycatcher S, B
Ash-throated Flycatcher S, B
Olive-sided Flycatcher M
Western Kingbird S, b
Cassin’s Kingbird Y
Black Phoebe Y, B
Say’s Phoebe * W
Horned Lark * W
Tree Swallow Y
Violet-green Swallow M
Northern Rough-winged Swallow S
Cliff Swallow S, b
Barn Swallow *
Jay, Crow, Raven
Western Scrub-Jay Y, B
American Crow Y, B
Common Raven Y, b
Tits and Nuthatch
Mountain Chickadee *
Oak Titmouse Y, B
Bushtit Y, B
Wrentit Y, B
White-breasted Nuthatch Y, b
House Wren Y, B |
Bewick’s Wren Y, B
Rock Wren *
Canyon Wren Y, b
Cactus Wren *
Kinglet and Gnatcatchers
Ruby-crowned Kinglet W
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Y, b
California Gnatcatcher Y, b
Thrushes and Bluebird
American Robin W
Varied Thrush * M
Hermit Thrush W
Swainson’s Thrush M
Western Bluebird Y, B
Mockingbird and Thrasher
Northern Mockingbird Y, b
California Thrasher Y, B
Silky Flycatchers
Cedar Waxwing W
Phainopepla Y
Loggerhead Shrike *
Cassin’s Vireo M
Hutton’s Vireo *
Warbling Vireo M
Warblers and Chat
Orange-crowned Warbler Y
Nashville Warbler M
Yellow Warbler S, b
Yellow-rumped Warbler W
Black-throated Gray Warbler S
Townsend’s Warbler M
Hermit Warbler M
Common Yellowthroat Y, b
Wilson’s Warbler M
Yellow-breasted Chat * S
Western Tanager M
California Towhee Y, B
Spotted Towhee Y, B
Sparrows and Junco
Rufous-crowned Sparrow Y, b
Black-chinned Sparrow S, b
Lark Sparrow Y, b
Sage Sparrow Y, b
Savannah Sparrow * W
Fox Sparrow W
Song Sparrow Y, B
Lincoln’s Sparrow * W
White-crowned Sparrow W
Golden-crowned Sparrow W
Dark-eyed Junco W
Blackbirds and Cowbird
Brewer’s Blackbird * Y
Red-winged Blackbird *
Western Meadowlark *
Brown-headed Cowbird Y, b
Hooded Oriole S, B
Bullock’s Oriole S, b
Scott’s Oriole * W
Grosbeaks and Bunting
Black-headed Grosbeak S, B
Blue Grosbeak * S
Lazuli Bunting S, b
Finches and Siskin
House Finch Y, B
Purple Finch *
American Goldfinch S
Lesser Goldfinch Y, b
Lawrence’s Goldfinch *
Pine Siskin * W
Introduced Species
Rock Pigeon Y (mainly in town)
European Starling Y, B
House Sparrow Y, b |