Daisies by Cheryl Lin Fielding and her students at the University of California, Los Angeles - Rancho La Puerta
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Daisies by Cheryl Lin Fielding and her students at the University of California, Los Angeles

Enjoy a joyful music collaboration created by Cheryl Lin Fielding and her students at the University of California, Los Angeles. The song is called Daisies—music by Sergei Rachmaninoff, and poetry by Igor Lotaryov. This song reminds Cheryl of the many beautiful and serene moments she spent at The Ranch. She explains, “The postlude especially is reminiscent of the gentle flowers in the spring breeze.”
Natalie Leonard, Soprano natalieleonard.com/
Cheryl Lin Fielding, Piano cheryllinfielding.com/
Christina Esser, painter christinaessermezzo.com/

Daisies by Cheryl Lin Fielding and her students at the University of California, Los Angeles from Rancho La Puerta on Vimeo.