The Unwavering Decision!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and are already embracing the new year. I’m super excited about 2025 and am invigorated by my recent unwavering decision. Here’s my story…
I just returned from a retreat with Misty Tripoli of The Groove Movement and 22 other gorgeous souls! It was awesome! We lived in tree houses without windows or screens. We listened to the sounds of the jungle all night, lulling us to sleep. I thought this was so funny because at home, I often browse through the Insight Timer App to listen to jungle sounds that lull me to sleep, and here I was with real rain, frogs, and who knows what else. At night, I had to use a light to navigate my way to the bathroom because that’s when the giant black snails emerged and would find their way into the tree house… the last thing I wanted to do was step on one!!
I chose this trip with the specific intention of healing and releasing the pain, resentment, and animosity that I’ve carried since my marriage blew up unexpectedly 3 years ago. I had suffered and struggled enough, and I knew it. I was still living in my victim story, cozied up with self-righteousness, blame, and indignation.
Feeling everything is a crucial part of the healing process. However, endlessly repeating your victim story can be very risky. It can become your whole life experience, who you are, and the greatest inhibitors of connection, joy, and satisfaction… everything I want!
What is also true is that while I had one foot walking the path of my victim story, I had another foot that was doing the work to heal and grow from my experience. I studied breath work and somatic healing modalities, worked with coaches and therapists, took online courses, listened to countless podcasts, and became a certified trauma-informed coach! I kept teaching and coaching which always helps bring me out of my head and into flow. My self-care went into high-attention mode as well. I exercised, ate healthily, walked my dog, talked to friends, and cold plunged. I did it all, yet something else was needed, and I felt it calling me.
I had the toolbox and knew the skills that were available to assist me. I gave time for my grief and sufficiently honored my process. I came to understand the wounds that led me to not only allow but choose an unhealthy marriage for decades! I even became grateful for being freed from living a false experience!! If you’ve been in my class at Rancho La Puerta, you know that I wholeheartedly believe that “everyone and everything is an ally on our journey” and that life doesn’t happen “to us;” it happens “for us.”
It was time to redirect and make my new life. I became resolute. To truly transform and set myself free, I had to let go of my story and write a new one.
While in the jungle, I had the opportunity (with a very cool jungle bonfire ritual) to release my resentments. I took it seriously and committed. I knew there was no going back, and I felt it. I chose to let go!
Like all new stories, I knew I needed a new script to follow. My new mantra, which I repeat to myself every time my mind tries to revive my old story, is, “I am free of resentment and animosity, and now I’m free to live my authentic, fabulous, free life!” I repeat this several times to make sure the mind redirection has been made. By doing this practice consistently, I am rewiring my brain towards my new story… my new life!
Ultimately, transformation is not about erasing the past or pretending that pain did not exist. It is about alchemizing that pain into wisdom, compassion, and strength, compelling us to let go of the limiting beliefs that are the hallmark of our victim story, and unleashing the courage and commitment to claim the life we truly want. It is about honoring the journey that brought us here, even as we step forward into a new chapter.
So here is my question and invitation for you as we enter 2025 and have the power of the new year momentum beneath us…
- Is there anything holding you back from living your authentic, free, joyous life?
- Do you have beliefs you have been carrying that no longer serve you?
- Are there habits or conditions that you know continue to cause you pain and harm?
- Is there a profound decision you could make that would change how you feel about yourself and your life?
- Are there things that you do daily to enhance your well-being?
- Can you add anything to your repertoire to enhance your efforts?
- Do you have one foot in your victim story and one doing the work? Working hard to move forward but still held back?
Are you ready to fully commit to new ways of thinking and being?
If you can feel your “yes” rising to the surface… I invite you to make your own personal, unwavering decision that is unique to you, let go of your victim story, and join me in claiming more love, freedom, and joy in your life!
I hope to see you soon at The Ranch in 2025!!
Happy New Year to you and yours. May all your dreams come true.
Life Coach and founder of the Inner Fitness Program at Rancho La Puerta, Emily Boorstein first visited Rancho La Puerta with her mom as a kid. Now she visits The Ranch as a Specialty Presenter teaching her Inner Fitness program. These five 45-minute lessons are offered weekly by Emily or other coaches and are designed to help you heal old emotional wounds and transform your life. The workshops teach practical tools to meet and navigate life’s challenges and inspire you to the possibilities surrounding you.