Living Your Best Life - Rancho La Puerta
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Living Your Best Life

motivation, life coach, emily boorstein

I feel so honored to have been able to attend Emily Boorstein Wikman’s talk on Create Your Best Life.  Emily is a life coach with a degree in psychology based out of Marin County.  Emily teaches here about once a month and it’s such a treat to listen to her speak.

Emily teaches a four-part Inner Fitness Course series here at the Ranch;

  1. Healthy Inner Dialogue
  2. Emotional Fluency
  3. Powerful You
  4. Create Your Best Life

She packs her seminars so full of information, really tackling the things that we try to push away and ignore.  How we feel inside, how we react to things and most importantly, how we treat ourselves.

I especially liked the Powerful You session where she talked about our journey to responsibility.  In life, we can either believe that we have no control over our situations and that life just happens to us.  Or, we can take ownership and responsibility over the positive and negative experiences we have while creating the change that we want.

It was a very inspiring talk, I can’t even tell you.  She is just a delight to listen to and so animated.  As a member of the audience, I could really relate to Emily especially when she talked about how she overcame hardships in her own life.

Emily comes down to the Ranch pretty often so if you happen to be down here when she is, be sure to attend one of her talks!

You can learn more about Emily at her site,