Fresh Start: Live a Creative Inspired Life with Laura West - Rancho La Puerta
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Fresh Start: Live a Creative Inspired Life with Laura West

Week of December 30, 2023

A Fresh Start: Creating a More Creative & Inspired Life
You can go through life as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle. In this workshop, we’ll recover lost dreams and awaken new possibilities to plant new seeds to blossom in the new year! You’ll open to more of what’s possible in your life at this stage and season. Discover how following your true deep joy opens you to more joy, love, laughter, and creativity…and living a life you truly love.

Practical Intuition for Every Day Guidance
What to do next? How do you make a big decision? There is so much more guidance and wisdom available to you than a pro/con list. As the world keeps moving faster and faster, you’ll learn how to trust your intuition and gut.  In this fun and yet deep experience, we’ll open to the hidden messages right in front of you to help you create a life, business and career aligned with your purpose and vision.

Opening to the AbundanceFlow of Life
The world is changing at a rapid pace. It’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed or rudderless. We are surrounded by a natural flow of abundance and possibilities, but we can’t always access it. We’ll look at where is the friction is blocking your natural flow. You’ll learn how the Golden Shadow can keep a limit on your thermostat for allowing in more love, joy and creativity into your life.  You’ll gain new tools for how to shift into a more open state to allow the AbundanceFlow of life to support you in the new year.

Let’s Script Your Success!
In this playful and creative experience, we’ll brainstorm those Big Yes! Dreams for your career, relationships, business or this next stage in your life.  We’ll open to fresh possibilities using the soul’s love language – the imagination! You’ll learn how to write a new reality for your future where you are supported and it unfolds with easy and grace. This is a fun, easy and powerful process you can use over and over again to create a life you truly love – one that aligns with your purpose, values and dreams.

Expand Your Life with Gratitude and Love
How much love, joy and success will you allow into your life and business this year? Using the healing power of gratitude, love and forgiveness, you’ll practice tools you can take home and use to shift into a heart expanding high-vibe grounded joy! Start the new year off letting go of old stale energy that is holding you back and embrace a fresh new creative energy.


Laura West knows when you are aligned with your joy and passion, you are more innovative, creative, and confident and success is inevitable! She has helped 1000s of entrepreneurs and professionals over the last 20+ years unlock their Soul Work, personal power, creativity, and leadership presence.

Laura is the CEO of the Center for Joyful Business, international business success coach and host of Joyful Business TV and podcast. She helps purpose-led entrepreneurs and professionals discover their creative leadership inside and out so they create a wholehearted successful business.  She is passionate that you can do meaningful work that makes a positive difference while making great money!

She is also the author of The Joyful Business Plan, a right brain creative planning toolkit and creator of 100’s of programs, workshops and creative tools.