Experience the Thrill of Bungee Fitness at Rancho La Puerta - Rancho La Puerta
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Experience the Thrill of Bungee Fitness at Rancho La Puerta

Are you ready to add some excitement to your workout routine? Rancho La Puerta is introducing an exhilarating new class that promises to make you smile while giving you an intense workout. I sat down with Instructor Aileen Sharon to learn more about, Bungee Fitness, and its benefits.

What is Bungee Fitness?

Bungee Fitness is a unique fitness class designed to combine fun with extreme cardiovascular training. The bungee part lasts 30 minutes, and an additional 10 to 15 minutes is needed to properly fit participants with harnesses, making it a full 45-minute session. This setup allows for a strong 30-minute cardio workout, similar in intensity to trampoline classes.

Purpose and Benefits

According to Aileen, the primary purpose is to provide extreme cardiovascular training. But there’s more to it:

  • Propulsion and Leg Strength: The bungee cords assist in jumping and provide resistance, which helps build leg strength.
  • Coordination and Neuroplasticity: Working to the beat of the music enhances coordination and promotes brain health.
  • Support for Non-Jumpers: The bungee system allows people to experience the joy of jumping with support, reducing the impact on their joints. It’s low impact.

Who Can Join?

This class is suitable for almost anyone looking to add some jump to their fitness routine. You don’t have to be Tigger, from Winnie the Pooh, to put bounce in your step! It’s particularly beneficial for those who haven’t been running or jogging, as the bungee cords lift some of the body weight, making the impact feel softer. However, it’s not recommended for individuals with extreme injuries.

Class Dynamics

The class includes various types of exercises, from athletic interval training to dance-like routines set to music. It focuses on:

  • Upper and Lower Body Strength: Participants push off the floor, working both their upper and lower bodies.
  • Bone Density: The bouncing movements contribute to bone health.
  • Cardiovascular Training: This is primarily a cardio class, designed to get your heart pumping.

Aileen recommends the class because you feel free and airborne, adding a sense of joy and excitement to workouts.

Why Try Bungee Fitness?

If you’re looking for a workout that has more laughs per bounce and that combines fun, freedom, and fitness, Bungee Fitness at Rancho La Puerta is a must-try. It’s an innovative way to boost your cardiovascular health, strengthen your body, and have a thrill with the support of bungee cords.