Navigating Today’s Healthcare System with Confidence and Advocacy: Developing Your Empowered Voice! - Rancho La Puerta
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Navigating Today’s Healthcare System with Confidence and Advocacy: Developing Your Empowered Voice!

Week of January 18, 2025

Welcome to our empowering series of health classes.

In these sessions, we will explore crucial health topics, learn to effectively advocate for ourselves and others in the healthcare system, and master the art of getting the attention we all need and deserve from busy healthcare professionals.

This isn’t just another health class; it’s a journey to becoming more informed, confident, and proactive about your well-being. Whether you are looking to deepen your health knowledge or seeking strategies to better navigate the healthcare landscape, these classes are an invaluable resource. Join us for a positive, supportive, and enlightening experience that will leave you feeling empowered and equipped to take charge of your health journey!

Session 1) Advocating for Yourself and Others in Today’s Healthcare System: Master Your Communication Skills and Develop Your Empowered Voice

Ready to be your own health advocate? This class is all about empowering you to speak up and make the most of your healthcare experience. We will share experiences and will cover how to be prepared for appointments, the importance of expressing concerns, and strategies for positive and effective communication. You’ll also learn how to support others in their healthcare journeys. Let’s amplify our voices and take charge of our health!

Session 2) Optimize Your Visit: Communicating Effectively with Your Busy Healthcare Professional

Feel like your healthcare professionals are always in a rush? This class focuses on effective strategies for dealing with busy healthcare providers. Learn how to be direct, concise, and prioritize your concerns to make the most of every appointment. Learn tips for dealing with “communication breakdowns” with your healthcare provider ( i.e. frequent interrupters, dismissive attitudes, ignorers, non-listeners, and more.) We’ll also explore the importance of follow-ups and how to ensure your health needs are fully addressed. It’s time to get the attention and care you deserve!

Session 3) Role-Playing for Effective Healthcare Communication: How to Prepare When your Healthcare Provider Suggests Surgery, Medications or Disease Diagnosis

Let’s put your learning into action with interactive role-playing! In this session we will share and practice real-life scenarios that you might encounter in healthcare settings. Through guided role-plays, you’ll learn how to navigate conversations with healthcare professionals confidently, advocate for yourself effectively, and support others in their healthcare journey. This hands-on approach is not only fun but also a powerful tool to solidify your communication skills. Come join us and experience the power of practice in mastering the art of healthcare advocacy!


Nancy CetelNancy Cetel, MD, is an engaging and passionate physician, author and professional speaker. Following her graduation from the New York University School of Medicine, she obtained her postgraduate training in Reproductive Endocrinology at the University of California, San Diego, and Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Southern California. Her pioneering research in hormonal issues led to numerous publications and awards. Dr. Cetel is often referenced in books and journals, and is a frequently invited lecturer nationally and internationally.  Live appearances and interviews have brought her acclaim as an accomplished communicator and advocate for an informed public. She is the author of Double Menopause: What to Do When Both You and Your Mate Go through Hormonal Changes Together. Her passions include her family, vegetarian cooking, dancing, and the joys of being a grandparent.


Denise M. Dudley, PhD, is a psychologist, communication and relationship coach, professional trainer and keynote speaker, author, business consultant, and founder and former CEO of Skill Path Seminars, the world’s largest public training company, which has trained over 12 million people worldwide. Denise holds a Ph.D. in behavioral psychology, a hospital administrator’s license, a preceptor for administrators-in-training license, and is licensed to provide continuing education training to medical professionals in the US and Canada. She’s also a certified AIDS educator, a licensed field therapist for individuals with agoraphobia, a regularly featured speaker on the campuses of many universities across the US, and the author of Simon and Schuster’s best-selling audio series, “Making Relationships Last.” Denise speaks all over the world on a variety of topics, including management and supervision skills, leadership, assertiveness, communication, personal relationships, interviewing skills, and career readiness. Denise’s latest book, Work it! Get in, Get Noticed, Get Promoted,” currently in its third printing, is available on, and is used as a career-search textbook on numerous college campuses.