Acidophilus Drink - Rancho La Puerta
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Acidophilus Drink

The Ranch serves its Acidophilus Drink at breakfast and it’s a great natural probiotic with a healthy sour flavor. This drink benefits the friendly bacteria in your body while promoting intestinal health. Acidophilus helps with digestion by creating an acidic environment in your intestines and stomach which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. The origin of the word acidophilus is Latin acidus, meaning sour, and the Greek philus, meaning friend or lover. Together, they translate to “acid-loving.”  Drinking a bit of this sour beverage promotes a healthy acidic digestive system and helps leave you regular. And that leaves me loving this drink.

Makes  four 6-oz. servings
2 cups low-fat buttermilk
1 cup unsweetened low-fat plain yogurt
1 Tb fresh lemon juice
1 tsp cinnamon to taste

For added sweetness, you can mix in a teaspoon or two of agave, local honey, stevia or fresh fruit.

Mix all the ingredients in a pitcher.  Sprinkle a little cinnamon across the top of each serving as a garnish.