Nothing Be[e]tter - Rancho La Puerta
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Nothing Be[e]tter

Let’s face it, eating (and drinking) season is officially upon us. While I do my best to always maintain a healthy diet, I never punish myself by not allowing a little indulgence now and then. There are always so many tasty treats to try around this time of year. Rather than deny them, I practice balance. The quickest way I have found to load up on fruits and veggies and save room in my tummy for the other stuff is by drinking organic juice from the juice bar, Tierra Alegre, which means “joyous Earth” in Spanish, and is located at Rancho La Puerta by the Activity Pool. Our bodies absorb nutrients from juices faster than they do from solid foods because the gut does not need to do as much work breaking the masses down. I feel good knowing that I can counteract my less-than-nutritious dietary choices in a simple, efficient, and delicious way. My skin and gut always thank me the most for this reward.

The Liver Lover is one of my favorites at Tierra Alegre. It is an all-natural, cold-pressed, detoxifying juice, made with beet, apple, ginger, and cucumber (if you’re making this at home, don’t forget the final, secret ingredient: love!). It is a perfect way to jump start your holiday glow from the inside out. Due to the high content of vitamin C and prebiotic effect, you can’t beat beets if you’re hoping to regulate your blood pressure, reduce inflammation, boost your immune system, and clear your skin. Apple is added because it is a potent source of antioxidants that can prevent free radicals from having a negative impact on the liver. Green apples are used in this juice and lend it perfect notes of tartness. The inclusion of ginger adds a zing of flavor and provides further health benefits – ginger is a superb digestion aid, a terrific tonic for the respiratory system, and helps lower blood pressure. Meanwhile, cucumber is incredibly hydrating and a valid anti-wrinkle agent, in addition to being low in sodium and calories, and helps further detoxify the body by flushing the immune system. All four of these powerhouse ingredients work hard and work well together to protect the glorious filter of the body, the liver. Countless health hardships begin in the gut and this juice is an excellent way to combat many of them.

Next time you find yourself at Rancho La Puerta, head over to Tierra Alegre and try the Liver Lover for yourself. It’s hearty and refreshing and will immediately make you feel lighter, more energetic, and happy knowing that while you are enjoying a tasty beverage, you are also improving your cellular state. I thoroughly appreciate that I can consume multiple servings of quality fruits and veggies without feeling weighed down or bloated in any way. Of course, consistency is also key in seeing the best results. As an added bonus, the vibrant pink color of this juice makes for an excellent lip tint (just make sure to stay within the lines!). That’s a lot to be grateful for!

Can’t make it to Rancho La Puerta this holiday season? Try making this at home! If you don’t have a juicer at your disposal, this could also be made in a blender and strained.

  • 1 large beet or 2-3 small
  • ½ green apple
  • 2 inches of ginger
  • 1 small cucumber or half if it is large

Makes about 16 oz of juice.


Thank you to Vivian, Rancho La Puerta’s juicer extraordinaire, at Tierra Alegre, for all her help with this article.

Visit Vivian there Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Complimentary smoothies and snacks are offered at 2:45 p.m. and change daily.

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