
A powerful walking ritual to open your consciousness set deep in an ancient oak grove on our full-scale replica of the classic labyrinth found at Chartres Cathedral. Rancho La Puerta’s labyrinth is a non-denominational experience for the mind, body and spirit. The path is a classical eleven-circuit design, a metaphor for our journey through life. One path takes you to the center and back again, leading you through many turns. The six-petaled center is known as the rosette. In some traditions, each petal of the central rosette symbolizes one of the six stages of planetary evolution: mineral, vegetable, animal, human, angelic and divine. Ten labyrs—the hourglass—are symbols of women’s creativity and power. Each two-thirds circle along the outer edge is a lunation that tracks moon cycles and may have been a way of determining religious feasts in the Middle Ages. Your guide to the experience will further explain many of these references. May you find all you seek on your journey.