2021 Taking Charge of Your Money! - Rancho La Puerta
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2021 Taking Charge of Your Money!

Week of January 30, 2021

There is truth behind the popular financial quote, “If you don’t take care of Money, your Money won’t take care of you.”  The theme of this week’s program emphasizes the ways we can invest to ensure our “portfolio” is optimized to meet our money goals. Laura DeVore has spent over 33 years helping individuals, families, and endowments manage their money in addition to creating retirement plans. She has a respect for the individual needs of the people she serves, and her advice, education and wisdom are tailored to create personalized plans for her clients. This fun and interactive program will help you understand your own money personality and provide timely information on how things have changed over the last three decades.  You will leave with a toolbox full of relevant items to start planning for your future and moving towards your Financial Goals.

Your Money Personality
Did you know that arguments about money lead to a 30% higher likelihood of getting divorced?  This interactive session with help you self-assess your money personality and look at the pros and cons of each personality type (They do say opposites attract!).  Understanding your money personality is the first step and will help you shape your approach to spending, saving and investing.  

How Health Can Affect Your Wealth
Learn more about the major expense health care can be for retirees. This presentation provides important insights into health-related costs in retirement, including: rising costs of health care in retirement; five factors that can affect overall costs; primary resources available, including Medicare and Medicaid; steps to help manage out-of-pocket costs; and how to take advantage of health savings accounts.

Taking Control
Help yourself strengthen your financial futures. This presentation focuses on maintaining good credit, insuring against the unexpected, putting money to work by investing, building a healthy retirement nest egg, maximizing Social Security benefits, and facing financial hardships such as divorce and widowhood.

Surviving Market Swings
Find ways to strengthen and diversify your portfolios, manage expectations and enhance their potential to ride out uncertain markets. This presentation focuses on making informed investment decisions, utilizing fundamental investment tactics to enhance the potential for success, understanding investment taxation and overcoming risky behavior.


Laura DeVore is the President of DeVore Financial Advisors, a Registered Investment Advisory firm in San Marcos, California. She has over 33 years in the Financial Services Industry. She started her career in 1987 at Fidelity Investments. Her first job there was at the Boston phone site and she moved up the ranks to finish her 20-year career with Fidelity as a VP, Financial Consultant at Fidelity’s Del Mar Private Client Group.  She specializes in working with widowed, divorced and retirement-focused individuals.  Her commitment to education and planning is why she is so excited to present at Rancho La Puerta!

In her spare time, Laura enjoys spending time with her husband, friends and family (especially her grandsons).