A Nutrition and Health program
Week of January 11, 2020
Join author and internationally recognized portion-control expert Dr. Young as she shares pearls of wisdom on portion sizes, healthy habits, mindfulness, and the true path to permanent weight loss and optimal health.
Healthy habits, healthy life!
With the oversized food portions we are served every day, it’s no wonder obesity rates are at an all-time high. We try one fad diet…and then another. But weight is about more than food. Internationally renowned nutritionist Dr. Lisa Young, RDN shares research-based advice that helps you lose weight permanently by right-sizing portions and creating healthy habits. She discusses the importance of a whole foods diet for health and how clever marketing claims may be secretly sabotaging your efforts to improve your health, and the truth about carbohydrates. You’ll learn useful strategies for how to eat out, enjoy special occasions, and indulge in a favorite treat without tipping the scale. Because weight loss is about more than food, Dr. Young addresses the whole person—your mind-set, environment, habits, and life—through research-based advice. You’ll learn how relationships, a positive mindset, exercise, and even sleep patterns, can make a difference.
Dine out wisely and enjoy special occasions
Yes, you can eat out and enjoy your favorite foods, maintain good health, and still lose weight. Join Dr. Young in this interactive workshop as she navigates the pitfalls of restaurant menus and steers you toward making healthier and smarter food choices when eating out, traveling, and enjoying special occasions. Learn to overcome portion distortion once and for all.
Food labels get a makeover: what it means for your health
As America struggles with diabetes and obesity, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responding by updating nutrition labels. Effective 2020, all foods must bear the new food label which includes updated serving sizes, information on added sugar, and more. Studies show that people who read labels eat healthier. Come discuss and review these changes in food labels and what they mean for you and your health with nutrition and portion-size expert Dr. Lisa Young.
Get over your fear of carbs: sugar, fiber, and the truth about fad diets
Bananas are high in sugar, low-carb diets are best for weight loss, and gluten-free bread is best. These are some of the myths that Dr. Young will discuss in this up-to-date workshop on the truth about carbohydrates. Get your questions answered and learn to separate fact from fiction.
LISA R. YOUNG, PhD, RDN, CDN is an internationally recognized nutritionist, portion size expert, and adjunct professor of nutrition at New York University. Dr. Young is the author of Finally Full, Finally Slim: 30 Days to Permanent Weight Loss One Portion at Time (Center Street/Hachette, 2019) and The Portion Teller Plan (Crown/Random House, 2006) and is regularly called upon by major media outlets as an authority on nutrition and health. She has been counseling clients for more than 20 years, blogs at www.drlisayoung.com, and inspires her community to make healthy food and lifestyle choices.