An Introduction to Ayurveda | Siva Mohan, MD, MPH - Rancho La Puerta
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An Introduction to Ayurveda | Siva Mohan, MD, MPH

Week of September 28, 2019

An Introduction to Ayurveda — Taking a look at how the Ayurvedic approach to health compares to Western Medicine.

The Psycho-Spiritual Basis of Disease…and Healing, which will take a more in-depth look at the process of healing using Ayurveda


Siva MohanSiva (Raakhi) Mohan, MD, MPH, Ayurvedic Practitioner, began her path to healing in neuroscience, and this sparked her interest in the mind-body connection. In Medical School and during her Public Health Masters, she focused her studies on an extension of the mind-body relationship: the effects of community, development, and culture on health behavior.  For Siva, consulting in international public health seemed to revolve around a central question: How do we encourage certain health behavior in different settings around the world?  “I was most interested in the process of genuinely taking people’s lives into consideration when approaching health. I believe our lifestyles and habits determine our health, and this along with my cultural heritage drew me to Ayurveda.”  Several years later, Siva is fortunate to practice Ayurveda and yoga, addressing health in a personal, individualized and holistic way.