Art in Its Moment - Rancho La Puerta
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Art in Its Moment

Week of March 18, 2023

Art in Its Moment, Part 1
Using art, literature, and music as its vehicle, the first chapter of ART IN ITS MOMENT (AIIM) is a fun romp through five eras of history: The Classical, The Romantic, The Modern, Mid-20th Century, and the 21st Century. Weaving together literature, art and music, AIIM brings alive the different textures of each historical period to suggest how the art created in each epoch grows from the experience of being alive at that moment.

Art in Its Moment, Part 2
The second chapter of AIIM will focus on a 21st century composition—THE UNIMAGINED: PREPARATIONS FOR THE UNKNOWN– a composition which was inspired by walking the labyrinth at Rancho. Levick will relate how the labyrinth inspired him, and more specifically, how inspiration was translated into music. You will be encouraged to share how the music made you feel, what you liked and didn’t like, how you would describe in words what you just heard, etc.


Hugh Levick’s music has been described by LA Times critic, Mark Swed, as ‘outstanding’ and by critic Rodney Punt as “channeling Bach’s mental energies and Hindemith’s angularities.”  In 2013 Signature Records, the dynamic and eclectic label sponsored by Radio France Musique, released the Diotima String Quartet recording of Levick’s three string quartets. In June 2018 Signature Records/Radio France released Levick’s second CD, which once again features the Diotima. A third Signature CD of Levick’s music, featuring the Diotima and the French ensemble, TM+, is planned for 2023. In 2011 Levick created HEAR NOW, a festival of new music by contemporary LA composers. In its eleventh season HEAR NOW 2022 took take place between April 24th and May 1st in Los Angeles. He has performed in Los Angeles, Paris, NYC, Switzerland, Germany, and Spain, among other places.