Be Quiet, Be Heard
Week of November 7, 2020
The Hidden Dimension of Conflict and Coercion
A world of communication lurks below the surface of our awareness. When we are in conflict, this hidden dimension often catapults us into confusion and mind-bending emotion, thwarting creative resolution and conscious action. Drs. Glaser are former actors as well as award-winning researchers and university professors. They dramatize compelling conflict scenarios to demonstrate what happens when conflict invades our world and how to master seemingly deadlocked moments in challenging business, family, and personal situations.
Power Listening
When interpersonal pressure is on, listening is too often the first casualty. When dialogue turns to criticism, we often revert to unconscious auto-pilot reactions with defensive responses that may damage the relationship and make problems worse. This session provides a five-step model for transforming defensiveness and blame into insight and agreement. Speakers dramatize how trust increases when each person feels heard and understood.
Navigating Challenging Conversations
Why is it that people we care about too often feel defensive when we try to convey suggestions for improving their behavior and our relationship? How can we stop torpedoing our efforts and instead transform conflict into cooperation, discord into harmony, and make good relationships even better? This presentation provides a four-step model for raising issues that renders remarkable results: solving the problem, strengthening the relationship, and deepening trust – without creating a negative reaction.
Peter A. Glaser, Ph.D. and Susan R. Glaser, Ph.D. received their doctorates in Communication from the Pennsylvania State University. Authors of the internationally acclaimed book, Be Quiet, Be Heard: The Paradox of Persuasion, they have been married business partners and co-presenters for 40 years. Drs. Glaser have published three books and more than 40 research articles. Their research on transforming organizational culture has received the International Association of Business Communication Award for bridging communication theory and practice. Feature stories have been written about them in Business Week, Newsday, Nation’s Business, National Business Review, Working Woman, Success Magazine, and the Washington Post. They have worked with entrepreneurs in closely held companies and family businesses for 30 years. During that time they have been featured speakers on every major university forum for entrepreneurship across the United States. They have also been presenters for Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) and World Presidents’ Organization (WPO). The Glasers joined the faculty of the University of Oregon in 1975. Active consultants since then, their work has taken them around the world working with leaders from Fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft, Facebook, Hewlett Packard, Weyerhaeuser, Tektronix, Hyundai, and Sony Corporation. For the last 14 years they have spent February and March in New Zealand and Australia working with leaders from both the private and public sectors. They work with federal, state, and local government leaders throughout the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., including their ongoing work with the U.S. Congress. Their latest book, Be Quiet, Be Heard: The Paradox of Persuasion, is in its fifth printing. Learn more about the Glasers by visiting,, You Tube at the TheGlasersVideos and on Twitter @TheGlasersInc.