Bring Nature into Your New Year! - Rancho La Puerta
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Bring Nature into Your New Year!

Week of January 20, 2024

Get your Nature Groove on! Be Dazzled by signs of Wildlife up Close and Personal.
Examine a variety of nature items and explore some of nature’s mysteries and experiences right here at the Ranch. Be awed by this nature exploration presentation as Judie Lincer shares fascinating wildlife tales and tidbits.

Whose Scat is That? And Other Signs of Wildlife
Learn about what wildlife lives at Rancho La Puerta, what they are dining on and what is dining on them. You will put on your Naturalist Investigator’s hat and examine animal tracks, scat (poop), and other animal signs in order to understand the ecological relationship between wildlife and their surroundings.

Ethnobotany-How Native Americans Used Plants for Food, Shelter, Medicine, and more. Nature Field Experience
Ethnobotany is the study of a region’s plants and their practical uses through traditional knowledge of culture and people. Join me as we explore areas of the ranch and learn about what native plants were used for millennia for a variety of everyday uses around the surrounding environs. Touch, smell and even taste some plants!

Birding & Nature Walk.  Nature Field Experience
Enjoy birding with binoculars and examine ecosystems and adaptations of both plants and wildlife seen at the Ranch.


Judie Lincer, M.S. Ed.  is a Naturalist Educator with San Diego Audubon, who has over 30 years of teaching experience and guides hikes educating people about ecosystems, adaptations, ethnobotany (the study of a region’s plants and their uses through the traditional knowledge of a local culture).   She is an enthusiastic speaker who inspires others to develop an appreciation of the environment.  Judie is a Workshop and Tour Director for the California Native Plant Society-San Diego.