Choose Love! The Inner Fitness Program - Rancho La Puerta
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Choose Love! The Inner Fitness Program

Week of November 18, 2023

The ‘Inner Fitness’ program is designed for accelerated transformation and awakening from the “inside-out”. It is both a reflective and practical program that presents many mental models and practices for those seeking to navigate life with greater ease and joy! You are welcome to attend all five sessions or a single session(s) that fits easily into your schedule.

Session 1: What Story are You Telling
We are story tellers who are continually authoring a story out of which we experience our lives. Some stories have us reacting to the circumstances in our lives and feeling powerless to change them and other stories have us exerting tremendous energy and feeling determined and even defiant to overcome those same circumstances. Both narratives can leave us feeling powerless and/or exhausted. There is a more compelling narrative called ‘The Great Story’, a story in which we easily and delightfully express our passions and talents and having full access to our agency, we consciously choose how to respond to life’s circumstances, feeling empowered and purposeful. Session #1 Great Story and Map

Session 2: Healthy Inner Dialogue
Do you ever wonder who is doing all the chattering in your mind and how this litany of voices is for better or worse, directing your life? When we can recognize and distinguish between our life-affirming versus our life-diminishing voices and develop the habit of deeply listening to our wisest self, we are able to more effectively respond to the challenges and circumstances in our lives and create an exciting vision for living our best lives. Session #2 Healthy Inner Dialog

Session 3: Emotional Fluency
So often, we shove our emotions aside or stuff them deep inside because we have not been encouraged to experience them and/or learned how to effectively communicate them. Yet, our emotions are a window into our truth and having access to a full range of our emotions is an essential part of living a deeply satisfying life. When we develop emotional fluency, we establish healthy boundaries, navigate our emotional world with ease, and bring greater energy and aliveness to the whole of our lives. Session #3 Key Concepts of Emotions

Session 4: The Joy of Responsibility
Responsibility is typically held as a burden of obligations and expectations that sits heavily upon our shoulders. But when we see responsibility as an opportunity to recognize and take full ownership for our impact on others by either forgiving ourselves for our unintended impact and/or celebrating our brilliance, a new and more empowering definition of responsibility emerges, one that generates the experience of freedom and joy. Session #4 The Joy of Responsibility

Session 5: Embracing Your Value
Many of us have been taught by well intentioned adults and society at large to believe that we are not valuable and that we must demonstrate our value through our achievements and performance. Consider how this ongoing need to prove our value becomes the dominate underlying motivation that fuels our actions and informs our relationships. Alternatively, there is an inside game where we drop the persistent need to provide evidence of our value and instead, embrace and savour the experience of our inherent worth without apology. Session #5 Manifest Your Best Life


Deborah Colman is an award-winning Master Certified Coach (MCC), Facilitator, Coach Educator, and Founder of Colman & Company Inc – Inspiring Leadership, who for the last 20+ years has engaged leaders, leadership teams, and private clients in extraordinary conversations, designed to support them in intentionally creating a joyful and purposeful experience of work and life. The journey often begins by becoming more aware of the defeating internal dialogue driving our lives, and instead, deeply listening and responding to an inner dialogue that is powered by self-love, kindness, and compassion. Deborah is a senior faculty member of the world-renowned Co-Active Training Institute™ who for the last 20+ years has taught their credentialed Co-Active leadership and coaching curriculum to emerging coaches, consultants, and professionals. Deborah can be reached at: