Choose Love! The Inner Fitness Program with Emily Boorstein - Rancho La Puerta
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Choose Love! The Inner Fitness Program with Emily Boorstein

Week of July 6, 2024

Change Your Mind
Yes, it’s possible to change our mind! And by change, I mean transform. We have the most incredible power to choose the way we see, interpret and respond to our life’s circumstances. Imagine putting on a whole new lens that quiets our well-worn harmful patterns of thoughts and behaviors and allows us to see and respond with clarity and wisdom.

Lesson 1 focuses on self-awareness and cultivating the skill to shift from living in the default paradigm of fear and scarcity to living from wisdom, truth and love.

Healthy Inner Dialogue
Do you ever wonder who’s doing all that chatting in our minds, and even more importantly, which voice we put in the driver’s seat of our lives?

Lesson 2 focuses on recognizing the various voices within and cultivating the voice of the Nurturing Parent who helps us navigate and respond to our inner world of thoughts and feelings and shows us how to live from our wise adult self so we can best respond to the challenges and circumstances of our life.

Permission to Feel
When we know how to feel our emotions, and have the skills to express and communicate them responsibly, we feel more grounded, whole and connected to ourselves and others!

Lesson 3 focuses on understanding the world of emotions and the important role they play in almost every aspect of our life.  Learn how to feel, navigate and honor your emotions with your greatest wisdom and highest intention.  You will feel better!

The Joy of Responsibility
Have you ever noticed that we often play the same ‘victim’ story in our mind over and over again, and that we keep reacting to our life from that story, often in repetitive negative behaviors?

Lesson 4 focuses on recognizing our own patterns of thoughts and behaviors that hold us back from realizing our greatest sense of self and achieving our dreams.

Create and Manifest Your Best Life
We are always creating and manifesting our life, whether consciously or unconsciously!  Our life is a reflection of our inner world of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, choices and decisions!

Lesson 5 focuses on re-aligning our raw materials to reflect your most authentic, powerful, and loving version of yourself to consciously create and manifest our deepest desires and sweetest life. Nothing changes until you do!


Emily Boorstein‘s passion and joy is to engage people in the process of self-discovery and inspired living! Her life purpose is to live her most authentic wholehearted life and to be a guide for those who also want to live a more mindful, joyful, less stressed, more peaceful, purposeful, satisfying, well navigated and fulfilling life.

Emily is the founder of The Inner Fitness™ Program and is a monthly presenter and Life Coach at Rancho La Puerta Health and Fitness Resort in Tecate, Mexico. A Certified Life Coach since 2001, Emily maintains a private practice with clients and students from around the world.

“Inside each and every one of us lies the potential to create and manifest our uniquely personal Great Life Story.”  Emily Boorstein

Emily Boorstein Wikman, Founder, Inner Fitness™
Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, CPCC
Lucid Living Master Coach, LLMC