Commitment to Self-Compassion
Week of August 24, 2019
Commitment to Self- Compassion: A Workshop- 4 sessions
Commitment to self-compassion focuses on us, and how we deal with the inevitable challenges we face in life. We will learn how to practically focus our attention to what is important, and how to manage the surging waves of emotion.
This will be an experiential course, allowing attendees to get in touch with the place in them that is able to hold the painful thoughts emotions and physical sensations. The thread throughout the workshop is our commitment to self-compassion.
Elisabeth Serra
I am a practitioner and teacher of an ancient women’s tantric dance-meditation called Shiva Shakti, designed to awaken and embody the different faces of the feminine, and return us to our ecstatic, essential nature.
My love for dance, music and theatre has not only inspired me throughout my personal development but has become the breathing ground of all the different aspects of my work, my offerings.
I am passionate about the re-empowerment of women and men. I see my self as a ‘bridger of opposites’, accompanying others in their re-discovery of the profundity of their being – so that they can bring their unique gifts to this hungry world.
Eva Serra
I am currently working in partnership with the National Health Service in the UK, running workshops such as self-care and relaxation, confidence and assertiveness, coping with stress and managing anger. I am an integrative counsellor, passionate about body work and expressing what we carry in our minds and bodies through our bodies. Looking very much forward to co-facilitating a workshop that I believe can really impact our day to day lives, and influence behaviour we have taken for granted.