Concert & Drumming Circle - Rancho La Puerta
Events Calendar
Types of Events:
Spa Services

Concert & Drumming Circle

Week of April 27, 2024

Karl Anthony is an award-winning singer/songwriter and a proud member of NOAH (National Organization of Arts in Health), dedicated to advocating for the healing power of music in healthcare. For nearly twenty years, he has served as a healing-arts professional at the San Diego Rady Children’s Hospital, infusing his work and music with a message of hope for children and families. Leading drum circles in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services (CAPS) at the hospital as a REMO Certified Health Rhythms Facilitator, Anthony promotes the scientifically researched benefits of community drumming as a tool for equalizing and building communities. Each year, Karl and his wife Noi lead travel service trips to Thailand, where they have a home and reside part of the year. These trips support musical instruments for local schools and orphanages. Karl has forged his own unique path in the music industry, earning multiple Gandhi/King Season for Non-Violence Peace Hero awards for his innovative art-focused wellness programs, music performances, and humanitarian efforts. Through his music, Karl Anthony opens doors to connect with people and shares his passion for the healing potential of music.