Cooking Classes
Week of August 31, 2019
Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz (Xicana/Tewa) is a curandera and indigenous foods activist whose work is deeply rooted in the healing properties of sacred plants. Curanderas are medicine women, who are trained in traditional Native ways to then serve their communities with ancient practices. Sharing the “medicina del campo”, Felicia weaves together stories of indigenous wisdom and the intention of her dishes, applying “Culinary Medicine” as named by her Maestra. All of her cooking classes are ancestrally gluten and dairy free in honor of the grandmothers long before her. You can find more on Felicia’s work with physical and spiritual nutrition at
Chef Felicia offers two hands-on culinary experiences, 3.5 hours each, during which you will enjoy preparing your own meal along with fellow cooks. Classes take place at La Cocina Que Canta, our culinary center on Tuesday and Thursday at 4pm. For more information and registration, please click here.