Create Your Reality: Strategies for Powerful Everyday Living - Rancho La Puerta
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Create Your Reality: Strategies for Powerful Everyday Living

Week of September 21, 2024

Where to Start? You Choose!
You craft your life using consistent building blocks. You’ll learn what they are, and how to apply them to your real life to create satisfaction and success on your terms. Return on 45-minute Investment: Self-awareness and fulfillment.

What Do You Believe? Get the Biggest Bang for Your Buck!
Much of what you believe to be “true” is actually beliefs. When you replace your limiting beliefs with expansive ones, you will change your choices and outcomes, often with little effort. Return on 45-minute investment: Forward momentum and clarity.

What to Do with Emotions (Inconvenient or Otherwise)
Emotions are complicated and not always convenient or controllable. I will teach you a simple framework to understand your emotions so you can leverage them for greater clarity and purpose. Return on 45-minute investment: Energetic clarity and feeling alive.

Healthy Inner Dialogue: Taming the Inner Critic
Your inner critic says you can’t or aren’t enough. We’ll use a powerful structure to discern which inner voices to trust (and not trust) to bring clarity and certainty to your relationships and decisions. Return on 45-minute investment: Self-compassion and freedom.

5 Steps to Create What You Want
Consciously or not, you create your reality. I will teach you 5 steps to intentionally craft your life so you can watch the reality you want unfold in magical and exciting ways. Return on 45-minute investment: Forward momentum, trust, and magic.


Christina Boyd-Smith, PhD Christina Boyd-Smith, PhD teaches you to craft your life with powerful strategies, grounded in day-to-day life. Christina is an accredited professional coach by the International Coach Federation. In addition to being the Corporate Rebel Coach, she works with clients 1:1 and in groups and is a speaker and author. With her no-nonsense and spirited style, she has helped leaders and teams in business, non-profit, and educational organizations around the world. Christina is a Returned Peace Corps volunteer from Pakistan and Nepal, a Moth storyteller, mom to two young adults, and makes a delicious pumpkin muffin.