Creating a Purpose-driven + Freedom-filled Life - Rancho La Puerta
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Creating a Purpose-driven + Freedom-filled Life

Week of March 27, 2021

With all that is happening in our world, one thing is for sure; every single one of us craves meaning, joy and freedom. More than ever. So how can we feel liberated and stay on track – especially during a pandemic?

We step fully into our power and confidence. We let go of limiting beliefs and behaviors that limit us from realizing our highest potential of success. We claim our authenticity and own our superpowers. We get crystal clear on our life purpose. We gain the clarity, confidence and conviction to take action and make our greatest contribution.

If you are ready for more clarity, confidence and joy in your day to day, join me to create a purpose-driven + freedom-filled life! In just five days at the Ranch, you’ll feel more empowered, liberated and inspired to make your unique mark on the world.

A life of possibilities and magic awaits! Let’s create the abundant life you’ve always imagined.

Lesson #1 – Power + Confidence
To realize our full potential, it’s imperative to step fully into our power. Many of us give our power away to others without realizing it. In Lesson #1, we will discuss what power is and isn’t, how to feel more comfortable with power and ways to show up and embrace our confidence for our ultimate happiness and success.

Lesson #2 – Tips for a Liberating Life
Most of us have lived our entire lives by familial and societal rules that have been ingrained since early childhood. We’ve been conditioned that to get what we want – whether it be love, approval or success – we need to be and act a certain way. It’s time to Liberate Your Life! In Lesson #2, we will look at the limitations we’ve bought into and create new ways of being that will empower, inspire and uplift us.

Lesson #3 – Creating Your Authentic
This will be a fun dive into who you are and what sets you apart from others!

In Lesson #3, you will get in touch with your strengths, those that come natural and easiest to you, your top skills, your core values – the principles that guide your choices and decisions. You’ll get in touch with your passions and claim your superpowers! This process will help you feel more grounded and confident in your own skin.

Lesson #4 –  Finding Your Purpose
Now that you are in touch with your essential qualities and authentic brand, it’s time to uncover your life purpose. In Lesson #4, I’ll take you through a process to identify your purpose. We are all born with a purpose, think of it as your raison d’etre, a deeper desire to serve or contribute. Since we all have one, it’s our job to recognize it and claim it for ourselves!

Lesson #5 – Your Aligned Action Plan
Now that you feel more confident and aware of your life purpose, it’s time to get into action! In Lesson #5, you’ll declare one goal and develop a plan to achieve it. Something that has meaning or matters to you, whether it’s in your personal or professional life. Pick a goal that excites you and makes you want to get down and boogie!


Amy Matthews is a business strategist, leadership consultant, career coach and the founder of Woman UnRuled. Her expertise lies in empowering individuals, leaders, teams to reach their highest potential so they achieve their greatest contribution. She has an uncanny ability to cut through the noise and helps her clients find clarity, stay focused and lead in this era of the “new normal”.

To learn more about Amy, go to her website: