Cultivating Super-Powers of Care and Curiosity – for Self and Relationship
Week of December 5, 2020
Dan’s talk and subsequent workshops (involving reflective writing and open dialogues) will put the virtues of curiosity and caring to creative work. We’ll first point these two towards exploration of self – to reveal facets you have that you’ve never seen or barely appreciated; then point the virtues to challenging relationships. The result: a kinder view of yourself and a curiosity that carries over into relationships – especially places you’re “stuck.”
Workshop 1: Dialogue (bring a friend or make a friend)
Workshop 2: Journal dialogue play.
Dan Mulhern teaches leadership courses at the University of California Berkeley. He’s the co-founder of LeadingX2, where he coaches pairs, like co-founders or couples in business. He’ll share stories and insights, as in his coaching of pairs – to help deepen self-awareness and generate whole new options in dyadic relationships.