Empowering Women - Women of Power; Women of Beauty - Rancho La Puerta
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Empowering Women – Women of Power; Women of Beauty

Week of February 23, 2019

We are in the time of the rising Feminine, after 6000 years of male dominance. In primary lineages around the world, the “wands of power” have been handed to the females – it is our turn. And what big challenges we have been left to handle!!  Studies show that in the last 60 years or so, men’s stress has risen 10% and women’s by a whopping 100%. So we are already overloaded and overwhelmed, plus now being asked to create and implement solutions to the critical challenges and imbalances in our world!!  My goal is to give you the very best tools I can to support and empower you to feel happier, healthier, more nurtured, and more able to give your best gifts to a world very much in need. Join me for this week of practical, useful and joyful learning.

Positive Resourcing – Making Use of the Ancient Wisdom Brain for Health & Transformation
We have enormously powerful tools within us to help us in every way. The most ancient part of the brain is one of those oft-hidden and little used treasures! Learning how humans have been set up to function over millennia of time can help you tune into the powerful resources within you. What you learn is user-friendly, practical and applicable in your daily lives.  Men and women are welcome; and this will be the basis of our women’s work during the week. Each session will build upon what came before, so I invite you to attend all the sessions for the most powerful learning!

White Buffalo Calf Woman – Her Ways of Wholeness (women only)
White Buffalo Women came 20 generations ago, teaching a holy way of Oneness – the rich, inclusive, nurturing, creative womb of Oneness and All Things. Unified field theory and modern physics now have awakened to her ancient truths! You’ll learn about the power of the deep feminine energy, about walking a medicine way, and about women’s Moontime (menstrual) mysteries that provide incredible depth and vision in a woman’s life. We will drum and dance as time allows.

Walking the Path of Heart (women only)
Ancient native lineages, now backed by modern science, remind us of the primacy of the Heart and Love (and tell us the heart is a primary brain!!). Learn how to use this amazing brain to empower yourself and your work, to reveal your purpose, to provide a healing way for yourself and All Our Relations on Earth – by falling in LOVE….

We will drum and dance as time allows.

The Power of Your Ancestors – The Modern Science of Epigenetics (women only)
Primary societies have held their ancestors as vitally important to their lives and now modern science is just understanding too! You will learn about the very powerful and direct influence of your ancestors back into ancient times; and will receive an ancestral clearing of any negativity there. (You will also learn about how daily things you do can help or harm your grandchildren down through time!!)  After learning to work with an ancestor altar, we will complete our time with a shamanic journey to connect with ancestors and their remarkable support of our highest and best lives. A dance and simple ceremony of intention and empowerment will close our time.



Brooke Medicine Eagle is a legendary Earthkeeper, wisdom teacher, healer, visionary, singer/songwriter, shamanic practitioner, carrier of women’s mysteries, sacred ecologist, and catalyst for wholeness. She is the author of the Native American literary classic, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, and of The Last Ghost Dance. Her music recordings, teachings, writings, and wilderness spiritual retreats have touched the hearts and minds of people world-wide. She is currently working internationally, sharing a heart-centered, ecologically sound, healing way for the flowering of individuals, Mother Earth and All Our Relations.