Everyone Deserves to Have Their Home Feel Sacred - Rancho La Puerta
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Everyone Deserves to Have Their Home Feel Sacred

Week of March 27, 2021

Rewriting the Story of Our Homes
Our lifestyles are always changing and evolving, but the usual design of the modern home needs a new approach. Especially after this year of Covid which may have awoken us to this realization, but truly, our homes have needed an update for a long time. We’ll discuss how our home’s story has been and what it needs to become for each of us. Like, creating multifunctional rooms, spaces dedicated to our physical and spiritual wellness, and taking advantage of outdoor spaces and nature. THEMES: WORK, EXERCISE, SLEEP, WELL BEING EXERCISE: Answer a thought provoking questionnaire that will inspire your home’s story. What you’ll gain: A new perspective on the way our homes are designed and the freedom to consider new ways of thinking that reflect our more modern lives. Techniques for readjusting our homes to allow for work and school, places to unwind, and ways to improve for the new standards of working at home.

5 Tips to Creating Your Spiritual Sanctuary
Trying to stay healthy is important, especially nowadays. But one aspect needs more attention: our spiritual well-being. We will discuss ways to turn your home into a spiritual sanctuary, including new technological aids, how to create a space for meditation, relaxation or yoga, and other ways to raise our vibrations. THEMES: HOW TO RAISE VIBRATION MEDITATION, SANCTUARY/ALTAR, YOGA, MEDITATION, SLEEP. What you’ll gain: Strategies for elevating our spirits and vibrations using simple and easy to obtain objects and devices, and how to create a nook in your home explicitly for the purpose of empowering and healing our spiritual selves.

5 Sleep Tips for the 5 Senses
Did you know that one third of our lives is spent sleeping? Why is it that we don’t spend a third of our energy making sure that our sleep is restful, healing, and as effective as we can possibly make it? Good sleep can help prevent dementia, heart disease and diabetes. We will discuss the 5 senses in connection with our non-waking hours, including lighting, circadian rhythms, sheets and bedding, how we can use sound to aid in our sleep, diffusers and aromatherapy, and what and what not to eat or drink in order to aid us in sleep. THEME: SLEEP, MEDITATION. What you’ll gain: 5 or more strategies and simple ways to help our sleep become more restful and a result more healthy without requiring a complete redesign of our bedrooms, including things we can add to our rooms to improve our sleep and techniques we can use before resting, as well as how important sleep is to our health and wellness.

Dreamboard Your Sacred Space into Reality
In this interactive presentation we will be creating a dreamboard live! A Dreamboard is a fantastic way to picture and envision not only a new space or appearance for a space, but also can act as a guidepost for the way we might want to live our lives. Using this powerful technique we will discover ways to capture a feeling, emotion or vibrational frequency in order to channel it into our homes for redesigning or simply a new attitude and way to live our lives with a path to follow. EXERCISE: Participants will be given a stack of magazines to choose from. Bea will demonstrate selecting and clipping images that resonate with and participants will pin their inspirations in an exercise of collaborative dreamboarding. What you’ll gain: The ability to create your own dreamboard in order to capture and guide us into the future for both our homes and our lifestyles.


After thirty years as an award-winning interior designer, Bea Pila has evolved into an influential thought leader on a mission to bring authenticity, alignment, and SOUL to interiors. Through her many talents including drafting, space planning, designing furniture, as well as her hobbies of dancing ballet and cooking for her large family, Bea has learned that it truly does not matter “what” we do, it’s “why” we do it, and she is eager to dedicate the rest of her lifetime inspiring others to ask “why,” to fearlessly follow their heart, and to nourish their soul with the answers within.

Bea is the author of Sacred Spaces for Inspired Living: Your Guide to Design Enlightenment.