Explore Rancho La Puerta’s Night Sky - Rancho La Puerta
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Explore Rancho La Puerta’s Night Sky

Week of January 14, 2023

Explore Rancho La Puerta’s Night Sky  – Lecture
The dark skies at the Ranch provide a fabulous opportunity for seeing the wonders of Winter Sky such as the Andromeda Galaxy, the constellations of Orion (including its famous nebula), Gemini, Taurus, and dazzling star clusters. Participate in another magical part of the Ranch experience. You will never look at the night sky the same way again!

Star Gazing
Offered several nights during the week. Please sign up at the Ranch in the Lounge.
Observe with the naked eye, binoculars and telescope.



John Scott Marrone has over 30 years of experience teaching in the New York area. In addition to Astronomy, Scott teaches Forensics, Environmental Studies, and Oceanography. He has been recognized by Ciba-Geigy Corporation for his work in promoting science literacy and received the Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award in 2007 from Manhattan College. In February 1998, Scott was invited by the Aruban Government to substitute for astronomer Jay Pasachoff to lead the observation of the total solar eclipse.  Most recently, Scott led the public observing session on Mauna Kea and in 2017 traveled to Wyoming with a group to view the total solar eclipse.