Finish Strong — how will you use the last 75 days of 2020 - Rancho La Puerta
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Finish Strong — how will you use the last 75 days of 2020

Week of October 17, 2020

Is it too late for 2020 to be the best year, yet?
Whew. It’s been quite a year and it’s not over yet! Isn’t that exciting? Let’s kick-off your time at The Ranch by releasing some old ideas and patterns, so you can make room for new ideas and experiences. All that’s required for this one is to show up!

What is going right?
Which list comes easier for you – “All the things going wrong” or “All the things going right”? Oftentimes we don’t even realize that we’ve become stuck in a mindset rut. When there’s so much negativity around it can feel easy to focus on only that, but come join in the fun of getting out of the rut and seeing just how much good is going on right now!

Listening for the first time
Have you made assumptions about others, or even about yourself, based on past experiences? What would happen if you actually showed up to conversations with friends, co-workers, and even yourself (!) with the willingness to listen for the first time? What fun it is to learn something new about yourself or others.

Writing Your Own Job Description
This isn’t your typical job description. This is a chance to reflect on all the responsibilities in your personal and professional life. Are they really all your responsibility? Find the freedom that comes from recognizing what’s really your job and what’s not. Break some patterns and come write a new job description!

No is a complete sentence ….
You’ve got 70 days left in 2020, there’s still time to set new boundaries and finish this year strong. Start making choices that support the best version of yourself. Learn how to establish boundaries, advocate for yourself, and understand that “no” can truly be a complete sentence.


In 2009, Sarah Hernholm left her elementary school teaching days and launched WIT – Whatever It Takes. Over ten years later, WIT provides entrepreneur education to tweens + teens around the world. The 11 Tips for Doing WIT are now used in organizations, companies, school districts, parent groups, and households. Along the way, she has delivered three TEDx talks, keynotes, and a commencement address. She also has a “WIT for adults” course that helps people tap into their unique talents and use them to launch a business and/or make an impact. While not everyone will be an entrepreneur and launch a business, Sarah believes everyone can develop an entrepreneurial mindset and use it to make the world a better place.

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