Grace Dane Mazur - Writing Workshop - Rancho La Puerta
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Grace Dane Mazur – Writing Workshop

Week of March 15, 2025

Join Grace Dane Mazur for a reading from her latest novel and discussion of her mid-life transition from biological research (concentrating on Silkworms) to fiction writing (concentrating on human beings).

Writing Workshop:
The Spring Equinox: Portals and Transformations

After spending a couple of decades doing biological research at Harvard (studying silkworms), Grace Dane Mazur became a novelist, essayist, and short story writer. She has been on the fiction faculty of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College and has also taught the Masters Degree Fiction Workshop at Harvard Extension School. Her published books include the novels, The Garden Party and Trespass; the story collection, Silk; and a book of essays, Hinges: Meditations on the Portals of the Imagination. For more information, please see