Hand-Stitching and Group Quilting - Rancho La Puerta
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Hand-Stitching and Group Quilting

Week of August 3, 2024

The act of Group Quilting opens the door to designing in community. Over the course of our week together you will have a chance to connect with friends and residents from the Ranch through hand-stitching on a communal quilt.

When we work with each other, using a simple hand stitching method to design and piece together a massive textile, the world falls away and the stakes are lowered. Keeping our hands moving towards a shared goal allows us to play and connect with each other in a traditional medium that is given new life.

At the end of this project we will have new friends, new skills and a colorful cloth that we can all be proud of.


quiltEmily Birmingham is an artist living Big Sur, California. She works in a range of  mediums, from fabric manipulation and assemblage to observational sketch and acrylic painting. Currently she is exploring group quilting and gathering together through this traditional practice. Born into a family of artists, she sees the world through a creative lens and is quick to incorporate and adapt new disciplines. Her aim is to  share her expressions, through work that feels like play and interactive installation with a focus on connecting people through their creativity.