Healthy Interactions for a Healthy Lifestyle - Rancho La Puerta
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Healthy Interactions for a Healthy Lifestyle

Week of December 12, 2020

It is important to know what you eat, but it is equally important to know what is eating you! – Persian proverb

Healthy Interactions for a Healthy Lifestyle
Make the Shift Now and Keep the Change for Good!

You are here at the Ranch because you appreciate healthy living. A major part of healthy living is healthy relationships. A healthy relationship requires healthy interactions and healthy communications and negotiations as you go through life.  As living beings, we’re food and oxygen-dependent; we must eat and breathe in order to survive. But let’s not forget that we are also social beings. We MUST interact in order to survive. Unfortunately, most people have not mastered the art and science of interaction. As a society, we have resorted to Conflict Resolution instead of being proactive and using Conflict Prevention.  As in nature, human resources and their interactions are subject to certain laws that we must honor in order to succeed.  Learn the 8 Universal Laws of Enlightened Negotiation with emphases on Effective Communications, Building Trust, the Power of Intention, and the Magic of Mindfulness.

Elevating Your Interactions Using The Law of Intention and The Law of Strength
Imagine a world where all people have learned to interact and negotiate in harmony; wisely and efficiently with respect and fairness, worthy of elevated human consciousness. What are the laws governing such a notion?  In this session you will learn how to use The Law of Intention as your GPS or the guiding light of your behavior and action in negotiations. We will also discuss The Law of Strength; you will discover the source of your strength in any negotiation and learn how to tap into that source.

Lead and be proactive in your interaction to avoid conflict by using the Law of Flexibility
We are born to be creative. Our world is what we envision and create collectively. To create is to take inspired action to manifest the result that we want. The Law of Manifestation teaches you the key elements in creating your desired outcome in a negotiation. We will look at the unifying principles and common pitfalls in any negotiation. Plus you will learn how to be flexible without compromising your values by applying The Law of Flexibility, which is the key that opens up doors in any negotiation.


Mehrad Nazari, Ph.D., is the author of the multiple award-winning book, Enlightened Negotiation: 8 Universal Laws to Connect, Create, and Prosper. He was selected as one of 20 thought leaders around the globe by the International Leadership Association to contribute a chapter to: Evolving Leadership for Collective Wellbeing: Lessons for Implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. He is an executive advisor, corporate trainer, and speaker.   Dr. Nazari is a passionate practitioner of applied spirituality. He believes in preserving the authenticity of the ancient wisdom practices and applying them to our daily lives in the 21st century.  Mehrad holds a PhD in Leadership and Human Behavior and an MBA. For three decades Mehrad distinguished himself as a business leader in San Diego with several accolades to his credit and also served for a decade as an adjunct professor of Business Negotiation. Mehrad has studied with spiritual masters including Walt Baptiste, Swami Veda Bharati of India, and Kyozan Joshu Roshi of Japan. He has been teaching mindfulness, meditation and yoga for over twenty-five years and served on the faculty of Esalen Institute and Kripalu. He coaches individuals as well as corporations which include Sony, Brookfield, eBay, YPO Gold and The Port of San Diego. Dr. Nazari has presented at the international Conscious Capitalism Conference and served on the Board of Conscious Capitalism, San Diego.