Illuminate Your Life - Rancho La Puerta
Types of Events:

Illuminate Your Life

Week of January 18, 2025

The Interior Journey: Listening to Your Life
How can you live from the center of who you have been born to be, not who you have been told to be? We’ll explore this question through images, humor, spiritual wisdom, and personal reflection — all as pathways to discovering how you might live your life with expanded authenticity, meaning and joy.

Loving Midlife and Beyond
While we live in a society which extols youth, we are also living in an era where people in the second half of life have more possibilities than ever before.  We will explore the losses and opportunities which surface as we age and consider strategies and practices for how to make this phase of our lives the most generative and satisfying yet.

Portals in Wonder and Awe
What are your portals into feeling a sense of wonder and awe?  What are the conditions that invite you to unclench and be present to your “one wild and precious life”? We will explore these concepts both playfully and reverentially, buttressed by research, music, images and individual reflection.

The Inner Pilgrimage to Beauty
It can be easy to confuse beauty with glamour.   But true beauty is about living from your sacred center.  With the complement of images and music, you will be invited to consider your longing, encounters, and thresholds to beauty; not mirror-image beauty, but the beauty of becoming who you are.


Jeannie DuBose is the author and illustrator of the award-winning Tending the Fire: The Story of a Marriage and The Mother Daughter Dance.  An experienced speaker, facilitator, and retreat leader, Jeannie works with organizations focused on health and spirituality, a variety of faith communities, and groups in the North Carolina prison system.   A Vanderbilt University graduate, she  holds an M.S. in Counseling Psychology from Georgia State University and a Certificate in Spiritual Formation from Columbia Theological Seminary. Jeannie and her husband raised their three children in Atlanta and currently make their home in Montreat, NC. To learn more about Jeannie’e work, go to