Inner Fitness: Bigger, Better, Braver - Rancho La Puerta
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Inner Fitness: Bigger, Better, Braver

Week of May 11, 2024

Is there something you’d love to do but haven’t found the courage? Do you want to give yourself over to the fullest possible experience of living? Would you like a healthier relationship with yourself and others?

Bigger, Better, Braver is a five-step journey to find the answers, beginning with listening to the quiet voice inside the head that tells you, you want more for your life. Living big is truly its own reward. The “bigger” is your definition and yours alone, a declaration to the Universe you are worthy and ready to take advantage of the great life you’ve been given.

Each of the five lessons offers you tools and a deeper understanding of who you are and what has been standing in your way.

Session 1: Setting Healthy Boundaries – Say Yes to You
Are you a people pleaser and/or conflict avoider? Do you believe self-care is selfish? By avoiding setting healthy boundaries, you chose long-term unhappiness over short term discomfort. Boundaries are key to feeling more self-love, emotionally whole, and more at peace.

Session 2: Why Live Bigger?
We were all put on this earth to be all we can be. We enter this world ready to be anything and everything but little by little we shut parts of ourselves away, and as adults we continue to listen to the inner critic who no longer serves us. It is the voice that says: “play small to stay safe,” or “we aren’t good enough” or we need to “control everything to stay safe.”

I will help you uncover the disempowering belief and unconscious commitment that are keeping you from living the life of your dreams. You will form a new empowering belief to support you in living bigger, better and braver.

Session 3:  Stop the Cycle of Self-Sabotage
You will learn to modify your disempowering thoughts and behaviors and recognize the drivers and triggers that keep you staying small and undermine your efforts to move powerfully forward.

Session 4: Incompletions
When you get out of auto pilot and take an honest look at your life, you can discover what’s holding you back, weighing you down, and robbing you of your agility. We call these “incompletions.”

Incompletions are actions we haven’t taken in the past that create a barrier in the present. They are the stuff we’re still carrying with us we’ve not put to rest. Incompletions drain us, and/or we use them to beat ourselves up.

You’ll look at how incompletions show up in your life, externally and internally, and what you can do to turn them in to completions.

Session 5: The Essentials of Living Relationally
Living relationally means cultivating the daily practice of Full Respect Living with yourself and with others at the same time. As a coach with Terry Real and Relational Life Therapy, I will help you cultivate loving practices and healthy intimacy. Nothing is more important in our lives than our relationships. A great relationship will boost your immune system and keep your vibrant and engaged. I think this session is a must for everyone.


Nancy Pickard splits her time between Aspen, Colorado and Mill Valley, California, as a certified Master Integrative Life Coach with a myriad of coaching certifications specializing in shadow work, boundaries, marriage and relationship, healing your heart, reinvention, and parenting. She is the author of the international best-selling book, Bigger Better Braver: Conquer your fears, Embrace your courage, Transform your life. Coaching others to step out of fear and into bigger versions of themselves is her passion.