Iphoneography, Smartphone Photography - Rancho La Puerta
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Iphoneography, Smartphone Photography

Week of January 26, 2019

Beginning iPhoneography & Smartphone Photography
The best camera is the one that is with you! This workshop will review best practices for photography using exclusively your iPhone. Learn to apply principles of photography, tips for optimizing digital capture and choosing subjects that work best with the iPhone. Discover tips for saving, uploading, transferring and sharing images. As time permits we will review the Native Camera and Photos App. Come with your iPhone fully charged to follow along, or just enjoy the presentation.

Using Apps to Make Great Images with the iPhone/Smartphone
Learn about the advantages of using camera replacement apps. Follow along with the live demonstration of various editing applications to enhance your Photographs or create digital pieces.  Suggested apps to download from the Apple App Store in advance: Camera+ by Tap Tap Tap, Snapseed by Google, Facetune (not Facetune 2) by Lightricks, Ltd. Come with your iPhone fully charged, or just enjoy the presentation. 

Advanced Apps for Image Making with the iPhone/Smartphone
Learn more editing techniques hands-on with a live demonstration of several apps for improving your images. Suggested apps to download to your phone before the presentation from the App

Store (optional): Enlight (not Enlight Firefox), Lenslight, Aquarella, Word Swag. We will review tips for saving, uploading, transferring and sharing images.  Come with your phone fully charged, or just enjoy the presentation.

Top Ten Tips for iPhoneography
Learn to unlock your creative potential and create the best possible images from your smartphone. We will review accessories, books, and websites to enhance your smartphone photography.


Yoni Mayeri has been a professional photographer for over thirty years. An early adopter of the iPhone, she has devoted the last few years to the emerging field of iPhoneography, perfecting the craft, exhibiting her work in galleries and museums, and sharing her knowledge of this emerging technology and art with others. She was formerly an educator for Nikon, Minolta, and Polaroid. She gives workshops and presentations in mobile photography at UC Berkeley, Stanford University, John F. Kennedy University, The Pacific Art League, Google, The Mobile Digital Art Conference, Saint Mary’s College of California, ACCI Gallery, The UC Theatre, Rancho La Puerta, to many chapters of The Garden Club of America, and to private individuals. Yoni’s Instagram blog is composed of photographs that were taken and edited solely on the iPhone.  instagram/yonimayeri