Joy of Grandparenting: Changing Roles and Changing Relationships - Rancho La Puerta
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Joy of Grandparenting: Changing Roles and Changing Relationships

Week of February 1, 2020

Your Legacy: Creating a Virtual Treasure Chest – Sunday 5pm Library Lounge
How do you want to be remembered? In this session, presenters will illustrate how to develop a vision to create the legacy you wish to give for your family and people you care about.

Being Intentional in Sharing Values across Generations- Tuesday 4pm Library Lounge
Every interaction you have with your children, grandchildren or young people in your life helps shape and enrich the person they will become. With the support of the presenters, participants will identify the history, values, family stories, and traditions they want to live on for future generations. Participants will fill a virtual treasure chest and leave with a plan to go forward.

Navigating Changing Family Roles and Relationships- Wednesday 4pm Library Lounge
Family relationships are always dynamic. Children become adults, adults become parents, parents become grandparents, new children join the family, and so it goes.  In even the most loving families these changes create dramatic shifts in the lives of family members. Role and boundary confusion is common. This workshop presents a powerful three-part model to clarify roles and build positive, trusting relationships as families grow.

Creating a Rewarding Relationship with a Special Child in your Life- Thursday 4pm Library Lounge
How did my daughter become such a social butterfly?  Why doesn’t my grandson enjoy reading as much as I do?   Understanding temperament helps in choosing communication styles, activities, and interactions. Presenters will provide a tool to increase your understanding of yourself and the child who is special in your life. Matching your approach and activities to their unique personality will enrich your time together.


Minalee Saks, M.S.   As a founder of Birth To Three, a parenting organization that has touched hundreds of thousands of lives in the USA and around the world, I love to share my passion for children, and creating great parenting and grandparenting relationships.  I believe that good parenting is the foundation for all healthy relationships, and that good parenting definitely extends to new family configurations, including grandparenting. For the past 5 years Kris Hallenburg and I have enjoyed offering Joy of Grandparenting workshops and classes. In our offerings at Rancho La Puerta, we will explore effective and powerful ways to make both parenting and grandparenting experiences rich and rewarding and joyful for all generations.  Minalee has conducted trainings throughout the USA, India, Romania and Ukraine and received numerous awards, including the Bertha Holt International Children’s Award for her work to improve the lives of children.


Kris Hallenburg, Ph.D. has provided individual and family therapy for over thirty years in Oregon and British Columbia. She has been part of the Birth To Three/ Parenting Now! organization since 1996 overseeing and training parent educators nationally and internationally to work with families. Her work has been guided by the belief that raising healthy children in supportive families is the most important and effective way to create positive change in our world. Kris has enjoyed being the mother of three adult children and has been discovering the rewards and joys of grandparenting.