Labyrinth Revolution - Rancho La Puerta
Events Calendar
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Spa Services

Labyrinth Revolution

Week of September 23, 2023

Labyrinths are becoming a part of our landscape in parks, gardens, on school playground and at hospitals. Where did this design originate and how do we use labyrinths to enhance personal insight and well-being? Rina Shere will share the history and purpose of labyrinths and how they can be used for spiritual development and walking meditation. Throughout the week Rina will facilitate four thematic walks on the beautiful Rancho La Puerta labyrinth.

The Labyrinth Revolution
The ancient practice of using labyrinths as a tool for spiritual development and to lessen anxiety is undergoing a revolution.  Labyrinths are now built in parks, on school playgrounds, and university campuses. How do we enter the space of the labyrinth for an optimum experience? Weaving history, art, stories, and wellness research, Rina will present the evolution of the labyrinth from diverse cultural and spiritual traditions and share best practices for traveling the labyrinth and processing your journey. Join the labyrinth revolution!

Four Thematic Labyrinth Walks
Being Present – As you begin your week at the Ranch, this walk will focus on releasing the stress and anxiety we carry to be present to your time in this place of beauty and rest.

Gratitude – We will practice gratitude for the earth, our loved ones and our own lived wisdom in this walk.  Learn how an embodied gratitude practice makes your heart feel full of loving-kindness.

Creativity – Being at the Ranch allows us to view our life from a different perspective. Learn to use the labyrinth as a tool when we feel stuck and need a fresh take on a problem or situation.

Intention setting – As you prepare to leave the Ranch, what insights from your week resonate most deeply? Learn an intention-setting practice to live into this wisdom on today’s labyrinth travels.

Rev. Dr. Rina Shere is a board-certified Mental Health and Whole Health chaplain dedicated to teaching clients how to restore minds, bodies and spirits. She utilizes the labyrinth as a tool for meditation, to deepen personal spirituality and to cultivate daily gratitude and creativity with her patients. In addition to being a chaplain, Rina is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, trained arts educator, Certified Labyrinth facilitator, Reiki Master, Yoga Nidra teacher and Medical Qigong Practice Leader.