Learning to Live with Less - Rancho La Puerta
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Learning to Live with Less

Week of October 21, 2023

Learning to Live with Less and Why it Matters
What are the financial and psychological costs that clutter can have on your personal and professional life? Leave this session with solutions to help you declutter and be motivated to discard unneeded ‘stuff.’ Presentation will include group discussion related to struggles with letting go of items in your home.

Identifying the Obstacles on your Path to an Organized Life
Are you stuck?  Don’t know where to start? What are the internal and external impediments to organizing? Learn about the technical errors/mistakes that people face when trying to get or stay organized. Learn strategies to avoid these mistakes in the future.

Too Much Clutter?  How Do I “Let It Go?”
Feeling overwhelmed, too many clothes, piles of paper, photos, bags, spices, magazines, craft projects, China, and antique furniture? Have you inherited boxes of family heirlooms and have let them sit?  Participants will learn the 5-step method of organizing items in your home and office. You will also learn about Brain Organizing to help you declutter your brain so you can declutter your life.

Tips for Downsizing
Do you or a family member need to downsize or right size their life?  Are you ready to move to a smaller place or just live with less?    We will discuss what to do with all those mementos, kids school work, sports equipment,   photos, DVDs, and videos? Participants will leave with a new outlook on your items and be inspired to start downsizing now!


Amy Carstensen, a San Diego based Professional Organizer, started her business “Organizing  with Amy” in 2013. Amy holds a Master’s degree from UCSD in International Relations. She’s taught high school Spanish, worked for the International Community Foundation and was the Founder and Executive Director of Olivewood Gardens and Learning Center.  When she’s not out putting labels on bins, she’s home annoying her husband and two teenage boys reminding them “to never leave a room empty handed.”