Learning to Live with Less - Rancho La Puerta
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Learning to Live with Less

Week of June 19, 2021

Cast off the chaos of clutter once and for all. Join Amy for presentations that teach exactly how to cleanse your mind and your life by space clearing.  Free yourself from clutter and embrace life more fully.

Learning to Live with Less and Why it Matters
What are the financial and psychological costs that clutter can have on your personal and professional life?  Leave this session with six step-by-step solutions to help you declutter and be motivated to discard unneeded ‘stuff.’  Presentation will include group discussion related to struggles with letting go items.

6 Technical Errors in Organizing
What are the internal and external impediments to organizing? Learn about the six technical errors that people face when trying to get, or stay, organized. This is the critical “breakthrough” information not seen in traditional de-clutter programs. Learn strategies to avoid these errors in the future.

Workshop #2
Time Management and Having Peace of Mind
Feeling overwhelmed, like there’s not enough time? This workshop helps you balance your priorities.  Participants will learn the 5-step method of organizing objects. You will leave with tips and strategies for better managing time so you can be more present and live in a calmer and more peaceful home.

Workshop #3
Going from Overwhelm and Guilt to Peace and Calm when Downsizing
Feeling stuck?  Do you or have a parent who needs to downsize or right size their life?  Participants will learn a coaching technique that will help them approach any downsizing/organizing project with a positive outlook.  They will also have the chance to be coached one on one during the workshop.


Professional Organizer Amy Carstensen improves the lives of busy professionals by helping them declutter their homes and lives.  When Amy is not labeling bins with clients, she’s home exhorting her family “to never leave a room empty handed.” With a background in education and international non-profits, Amy holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from UC San Diego.