Love and Wisdom in Times of Change: How to Live a Life of Courage and Authentic Connection
Week of May 8, 2021
Courage is love in action. This evening we’ll discover how unlocking courage in our hearts encourages us to act from love. Love is a place to come from, not somewhere to go to or get to, a stabilizer in the shifting sands of change. Letting go of fear and welcoming love is more relevant right now than ever before. Research shows that the more we are wrapped up in fear, the more vulnerable we are in regard to our health and well-being. Let’s discover how staying connected with ourselves and others stimulates our natural systems of health and vitality. I’ll share 3 personal practices that strengthen my ability to face challenging situations with more equanimity, set healthy boundaries, and (at least most of the time) activate the voice of kindness. In daily life and in business, when we connect to what we care about, where our deepest commitment lies, we become a wise and potent force for change. When we choose to believe and talk as if change is possible, our behavior matters, and challenges can be overcome we generate remarkable drive, passion, and vitality.
Session 1: The Power and Gifts of Love. In this time of continual change, confusion and uncertainty, connecting with each other, from and in a space of love becomes vitally important and profoundly nourishing. We’ll learn together about the kind of love that doesn’t require us to change who we are; and instead invites us to be who we are. Love that connects us with others and elevates our state of being so that the choices we make create the future we most want for ourselves and the community of all life. You’ll leave with your own Love Compass to orient you when you return home.
Session 2: Exploring the Magic of Mindsets. Our mindsets hold us back or set us free to fulfill our deepest dreams. Today we’ll explore the relationship between how we think and the way our life works. Inspiring stories of remarkable women and men who chose to change their mindset will give us a starting point for positive change. You’ll leave with Healthy Mindset practices to use at home.
Session 3: Communicating with Love in Business and In Life. They say, we don’t live as much in our life as we do in our conversations. When our inner-critic directs conversations, confidence diminishes and heart-felt connections are harder to maintain. In today’s session we’ll discover how to walk out of a reactive state, recover your compassion, and create more conversations that generate love.
Karen Wilhelm Buckley, M.S., has been a pioneer in the field of organizational development and change for over 35 years. She works with leaders and their teams over many years as they cultivate wisdom – the capacity to align vision and action. In her roles as business consultant and executive coach, Karen specializes in transitions, developing compassionate and conscious leaders, and crafting breakthrough change in communities, families and organizations. Karen’s Wisdom and Power of Women Leaders forums and Women’s Wisdom retreats support women leaders in the United States and Europe to recognize and access their wisdom, authentic power and place of leadership in the world. Because of a passion for whole-child education, Karen co-founded the GreenWood School, a Waldorf inspired elementary school. At home she enjoys hiking Mt Tamalpais with her dog Stanley, gardening, Pilates, and cooking delicious meals with her husband and adult children. Plus, playing with her new grandson is top of her list of joys.