Meditation and Human Flourishing - Rancho La Puerta
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Meditation and Human Flourishing

Week of August 26, 2023

Meditation is Your Natural State
Overcoming the Overactive Mind
The End of Stress, Distress, & Suffering
Human Flourishing: Enduring Happiness, Serenity, & Freedom

Meditation is not what you think it is. It’s much more. Perhaps you’ve tried meditation, but you just couldn’t do it. Perhaps you couldn’t fit it into a hectic schedule, or you were overcome by a restless monkey-mind. You gave up more than once in frustration or boredom. In the news, media, and from friends you hear about the benefits of this practice, but you never experienced these for yourself. Dr. Elliott Dacher will share his unique perspective as a trained physician and lifelong meditator. He will demonstrate, with clear scientific evidence, personal experience, and precise instructions what wise women and men have long understood – effective meditation has the power to heal the body at gross and subtle levels, awaken your mind, and ignite your spirit. It offers that illusive “more to Life.” This experiential four-session progressive program will provide you with the understandings and skills that will enable you to develop a successful meditation practice, experience its full benefits, and effectively integrate it into your daily life.


Elliott S. Dacher, M.D., practiced internal medicine for 20 years before pursuing an extensive education in Eastern psychology and practices amongst the wise healers of Asia. His last book –Aware, Awake, Alive – is the course text. He is a past fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and a past advisory board member of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. A frequent presenter and seminar leader, his previous books include: Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing (Basic Books, 2006), Whole Healing (Dutton/Plume, 1996), and Intentional Healing (Marlowe, 1996). Currently he teaches and counsels individuals seeking a larger health and life.