Meditation Week
Week of May 18, 2019
Sylvia Boorstein presents:
- Lecture: Healing the Division in Ourselves, Our Families, Our Communities and the World
- Meditation – Sunday through Friday
Emily Boorstein presents The Inner Fitness Program in five sessions:
- Love or Fear – It’s Your Choice
- Healthy Inner Dialogue – Discover Your Joyous Adult
- Emotional Fluency – Permission to Feel
- Powerful You – Ownership and Responsibility
- Create Your Best Life – How to Manifest Your Dreams
Sylvia Boorstein has been teaching Dharma and mindfulness meditation since 1985. She is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center, a psychotherapist, wife, mother, and grandmother. She is particularly interested in emphasizing daily life as mindfulness practice and including informed citizenship and social activism as integral to spiritual maturation. Her books include: It’s Easier Than You Think: The Buddhist Way to Happiness (1997); Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There: A Mindfulness Retreat (1996); That’s Funny, You Don’t Look Buddhist: On Being a Faithful Jew and a Passionate Buddhist (1998); Pay Attention for Goodness’s Sake: The Buddhist Path of Kindness (2003), and Happiness is an Inside Job: Practicing for a Joyful Life (2008). She has visited and taught at Rancho La Puerta since 1972.
Emily Boorstein is a Certified Personal Life Coach, CPCC, based in Northern California. She received her BA in Psychology from UC Berkeley and has been coaching for over 15 years. Her style is practical, compassionate, intellectual and fun. Her work combines the wisdom and spiritual traditions with the latest discoveries in the fields of neuroscience and psychology. In addition to her private practice, Emily is a monthly guest presenter and Life Coach at Rancho La Puerta. She is also a regular contributor for Organic Spa Magazine. As a former fitness instructor and self-described “health nut,” Emily takes a holistic approach to total wellness that incorporates physical well-being with personal growth. Emily is the founder of The Inner Fitness Program, a five-lesson comprehensive and practical guide for people seeking to heal old wounds, navigate life with greater ease, communicate more effectively, and significantly improve personal and professional relationships. In addition to being married for over 30 years and having raised two beautiful sons, Emily’s greatest joy is to help others manifest their dreams and live their most joyful life.