Mindful Intimacy — More Than Meets the Eye - Rancho La Puerta
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Mindful Intimacy — More Than Meets the Eye

Week of February 13, 2021

Experience greater connection and fulfilment through learning new ways to cultivate mindful intimacy with yourself and others.

Evening Talk:

The 3 Components of Mindful Intimacy
Although mindfulness has been a buzzword for a while now, and mindful sex is now getting its due attention, the depth of authentic connection and fulfilment that is possible through mindfulness and compassion are not well understood or practiced.

In this workshop, you’ll have the chance to reflect on barriers to sexual and emotional intimacy you may be experiencing, where they came from, and how applied mindfulness can help you pull back the layers and return to your essence. Come with questions!

Afternoon Talks:

Working with Low Desire & Lost Passion
It is common for couples in long-term relationships to have mismatched desire levels, and specifically for women to experience low desire. It is uncommon, however, for couples to know how to negotiate this concern with grace and ease. Desire discrepancies can cause many problems in relationships, from feelings of rejection, hurt, guilt, resentment, disconnection, lack of love, and sometimes infidelity.

In this workshop you’ll learn the biggest factors that interfere with desire and passion, and exercises and discussion topics that get to the heart of your concerns. You’ll leave with tools on how to expand your experiences of intimacy.

Compassionate Communication in Intimacy Topics
Your intimate relationship gives you the stability to thrive in the outside world. But what if your home life is fraught with tension or disconnection, and you struggle with how to work through difficult problems, especially sexual and emotional topics?

Communication in general is already tough for many couples, because we are never taught how to talk through needs and concerns in a responsible and effective manner. And sexual and emotional topics can feel particularly vulnerable and triggering. In this workshop you’ll learn tools to get the heart of your concerns and communicate effectively and with compassion.

Rewriting Your Sex & Intimacy Stories
Are you insecure about expressing yourself in intimate settings? Have you experienced shame or embarrassment around sex, emotional intimacy, or your body when growing up?

Many of us carry these negative experiences and judgments about ourselves and others in a way that interferes with the kind of fulfilling and connecting intimacy we most want. But once we realize this, we have a choice in rewriting our sexual stories. We have the power to discover the intimacy stories that really matter, and therefore create a new path forward…one with empowerment, voice, choice, and hope.


Jennifer Gunsaullus, PhD, is a sociologist, intimacy and communication coach, and author of From Madness to Mindfulness: Reinventing Sex for Women. Dr. Jenn is a national speaker on couples’ intimacy, sexual consent, compassionate communication, women’s empowerment, erotic play, and mindful sex. She has presented two TEDx Talks, is the co-host of the podcast Sex Talk with Clint & the Doc, and has over 1.6 million hits on her In the Den with Dr. JennYouTube video series. She lives and plays in a beach town in San Diego, CA!