Mountain Prayer and Song Ceremony with Earth Offering, with Rosa Tupina Yaotonalcuahtli - Rancho La Puerta
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Mountain Prayer and Song Ceremony with Earth Offering, with Rosa Tupina Yaotonalcuahtli

Week of March 1, 2025

Red Road Journey is bringing native elders and wisdom keepers to Rancho La Puerta, to share stories, pray, sing, teach and inspire; to celebrate the deeply rooted traditions and practices that can help us care for the earth, bring healing to our spirits and care for each other.

Mountain Prayer and Song Ceremony with Earth Offering, with Rosa Tupina Yaotonalcuahtli

Abuela Tupina for the past fifty years has walked alongside Native healers and ceremonial knowledge keepers throughout the U.S. and Mexico, predominantly from the Mexica (Azteca), Huichol and Raramuri traditions, to inform and nurture the vitality of her purpose in this world. When she was called to the Danza de Luna Xochimeztli in Teotihuacan, Mexico, under the leadership of Abuela Tonamitl Retiz, she knew she had found the space to heal her intergenerational trauma and to guide other women’s healing. In 2012, after being initiated as an Abuela in the Danza de la Luna tradition, Abuela Tupina planted her sacred ceremonial circle, Danza de la Luna Huitzilmeztli, where she continues to lead and nurture her capuli (community and family) of dancers and supporters.