Natural Wine Tasting - The Universe is Conspiring in Your Favor - Rancho La Puerta
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Natural Wine Tasting – The Universe is Conspiring in Your Favor

Week of August 3, 2024

Discover the enchanting world of natural wine with us at Rancho La Puerta. Join our tasting session as we delve into the essence of natural wine, followed by an open discussion on the philosophy behind PRONOIA_wines. Kick off your shoes and unwind with chilled sparkling wine beneath the soothing canopy of a pepper tree, where we’ll explore and exchange insights on universal pattern literacy.

Meet Sergio Medal, a natural wine pioneer and regenerative farmer hailing from Las Californias. With over a decade devoted to holistic design systems, particularly permaculture, Sergio views pattern literacy as the pinnacle of permaculture philosophy. PRONOIA_wines represents his journey to deepen our understanding and application of universal patterns observed in nature, enriching our daily lives with its wisdom.