Transformation is what happens when we allow ourselves to learn from and be changed by our experience. As we step into a new year we stand at a threshold, that space between what has been and what could be. Every threshold is an invitation to new awareness, growth, and transformation.
Join Molly Davis & Kristine Patterson for an inspiring and engaging week of reflection, exploration, and imagination. A time to take stock of where we’ve been, where we are, and where life might be calling us.
The Ranch offers that kind of rare spaciousness that makes room for slow wanderings and quiet wonderings, leaving guests refreshed, renewed, and ready to step out with more clarity, courage, and grace. Every Matters That Matter® session is designed to serve and enhance that renewal process.
Evening Program
Threshold Moments
There are such things as “threshold moments”. Those times when we are invited to step over fear and uncertainty and venture out into the unknown. Such moments invite us to be curious, and they call upon our courage. When we accept the invitation, we find our way to an even more authentic and full-hearted life. Come listen, reflect, and consider your own threshold moments…past, present, and future.
Workshop #1: Standing At The Threshold
If transformation is what happens when we are changed by our experience, then taking the next right step begins with a right understanding of where we’ve been and where we are now. Our lives don’t happen by accident. We participate in creating them every day and one step at a time. Join Molly & Kristine as they create a safe space for you to engage in some courageous thinking and thoughtful action planning.
Workshop #2: Discernment: The Practice of Choosing Wisely
Regardless of life chapter or circumstance, we can all be inundated with decisions, responsibilities, challenges, opportunities, and possibilities. Where to invest our time, energy, money, skills, and gifts? Where, how, and to whom do we offer what we have to give? This workshop introduces you to a practical discernment framework that will help you choose wisely.
Workshop #3: The 3×5 Card
Transformation often invites us to speak up in new ways. We can find ourselves in situations that test our ability to hold onto ourselves, say what we mean and mean what we say. Come discover how a small 3×5 card can become a mighty tool to help you communicate in a way that better reflects who you are and what matters to you.
Molly L Davis
Connector + Writer + Speaker.
“CONNECTING is my way of moving through the world, always on the lookout for ways to create deeper connections. With ourselves, one another, the Sacred, and the world around us. Connecting who we are with how we live is how it is meant to be.”
Molly is the author of the award winning BLUSH: Women & Wine, a book in which she explores why she often used wine as a classy looking way to cope with stress, dull pain, and avoid discomfort, and why others might do the same. And yes, she still loves good wine. The founder of Trailhead Coaching &Consulting, she helps people courageously step more fully into their own lives.
Kristine Patterson
Potter + Maker + Storyteller
“I HAVE COME TO UNDERSTAND that the beauty of pottery lies in its imperfections. The subtle variations and ridges in the glaze, the unique shapes born from a spontaneous touch of the hand – these are the elements that give my work character and authenticity. Each day as I step into my studio a sense of reverence washes over me.”
A few years ago, Kristine launched beanpole pottery in a quiet studio in her backyard. What started out as a hobby and way to process life, became a full-time business. She now ships her gorgeous, custom work all over the world. Each piece has a soul that, like ours, is perfect in its imperfection.
Kristine and Molly are the founders of Matters That Matter®, a partnership dedicated to inspiring people to live according to what matters most. Their powerful message has been heard at national conventions, annual fundraisers, and spirituality and wellness retreats. They co-authored the book Letters to Our Daughters. A collection of 44 letters from women around the world to their daughters, it illustrates the common threads that connect us in spite of our differences. Translated into three languages, this beautiful book was featured on the Oprah Show.
They’ve been best friends for almost 50 years.