Photography - Rancho La Puerta
Events Calendar
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Spa Services


Week of January 11, 2020

Photographic Artistic Effects.
Kick back as photographic artist Robert Clarke Bretell takes you on a journey into his world of photo-impressionism.

Viewers will be inspired by images that evoke mood, emotion passion, and beauty. Robert explains how he creates each image through his experience and photographic knowledge. The presentation will feature stunning examples of his signature “Painting with Light” technique and his new Photo Impressionistic style.

Abstract Nature Photography
In this 2 hour workshop we will use the visual language of shape, form, color, and line in nature to evoke mood and emotion. Students will use a variety of techniques including unique camera angles, water, texture and close-up (macro). Robert will be giving demonstrations and students will have lots of shooting time. All levels are encouraged to sign up.

iPhone Nature Photography
If you own an iPhone and love to take pictures then this class is not to be missed. This workshop will teach you how to take ordinary snapshots with your iPhone and turn them into a work of art using Robert’s favorite apps. Robert will also share his 15 essential tips for successful iPhone photography. iPhone and Android photographers welcome.

Camera Artistic Effects
This is one of Robert’s most popular workshops. Participants will learn how to create an impressionistic style to their photos by using camera techniques like slow shutter and zoom techniques. Robert will also demonstrate how to create a Monet style picture by shooting through textured glass. Great class for all levels.


Robert Clarke Bretell has been a professional photographer since 1998 and a photography educator since 2007. He has worked for a diverse group of clients which include Ecke Poinsettias, Dr. Bronners, Kents Bromeliad, San Tropez Bistro, Greenhouse Grower Magazine and Southern California Plumeria Society. In addition to taking photos, Robert also teaches photography workshops throughout the year at San Diego Botanic Garden. He received a commercial photography degree from Northern Virginia College and worked as their staff photographer for four years before moving to San Diego in 1983. He is best known for his powerful portraits, flower and still life images. When not shooting or teaching Robert plays guitar, mountain bikes, practices yoga and walks Dexter, his 10-year-old spaniel.

16 Tip iPhone