Photography- Bring Your Camera! - Rancho La Puerta
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Photography- Bring Your Camera!

Week of November 9, 2019

Light, Camera, Action
Bring action and movement to still photography, and make exciting pictures. Experiment with light and angles, movement and focus to create photographs that create dynamic and exciting images. We’ll work together as photographers and subjects. We’ll find unique locations and points of view. We’ll make mistakes, break some rules, and with a little luck come up with some great photos!

Location, Location, Location
Rancho La Puerta is one of the most beautiful spots in the world, and of course everyone looks good while they’re having fun in the sun. But finding a beautiful location for your photos can make all the difference. We’ll go on a treasure hunt for perfect spots and take beautiful pictures.

Photography Walk


Tom Birmingham lives in Big Sur, California, where he works as a designer and photographer specializing in family portraits. As founding director of the Big Sur Arts Initiative, he has worked with children in a myriad of enrichment programs. While working with StageKids, summer theater program, he discovered his love and voice in photographing children and families. You can see his work at In 2009 Tom and his wife artist Erin Lee Gafill were honored by the United States Congress and named Champions of the Arts by the Arts Council for Monterey County (California) for their work.