Pickleball with Thea Froehling and Kim Evans - Rancho La Puerta
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Pickleball with Thea Froehling and Kim Evans

Week of September 30, 2023

Beginners will learn the rules and fundamentals of the game, which include positioning on the court, paddle grip, scoring, serving, return of serve, and the difference between a hard and soft game. They will also learn tactics and techniques to play the game. Beginners will play a game putting these new skill sets together, and we’ll have some fun!

Advanced beginners will learn to improve their playing skills. They will learn how to start a point effectively, develop their 3rd shot drop or drive, practice their dinking skills, learn positioning on the court, and learn the hard and soft game. They will break down the skills needed at this level to make sure the player is mastering the basics before advancing to the next level. Their skills will be tested while playing a game.

Intermediate players will learn how to start the point effectively, learn how to get out of trouble using defensive skills, and learn ways to apply pressure by developing offensive skills. They will practice their net game, as well as their 3rd shot development. Participants will develop tactics to start, build, and finish a point. Players will test these skills while playing a game.

Advanced players will practice dinking drills, offensive and defensive lobs, and focus on being more strategic at the net. Participants will learn when to speed up the game, and practice resets and block shots. The player will drill in the transition zone. They will practice fun drills in how to finish and win a game. The player at this level will have an opportunity to play the game using these skills.


Thea Mucerino Froehling is a PCI certified pickleball instructor. She coaches predominately beginner to intermediate pickleball in the Chicago area. Thea took home gold medals in the US Open, Chicago Open, and other local tournaments. The passion she has for pickleball turned into the desire to teach and help grow the sport. When not coaching pickleball, Thea is a certified fitness instructor with a zeal for working with older active adults.


Kim Evans is a certified Professional Tennis Instructor (PTR) and a Professional Pickleball Instructor (PPR). She competed in Division III tennis in college, and has been enthusiastically teaching tennis since 2003 at a number of highly rated facilities. She was introduced to the sport of pickleball in the 1980s, but became passionate about it in 2018. She currently competes and earns medals in local and national tournaments.

Kim is also a Licensed (Illinois) Clinical Professional
Counselor, and has been in private practice for 30 years. This unique skill enables her to incorporate sports psychology into her coaching.

“I’ve been coming to the Ranch since 1995, both as a guest and an instructor. It’s one of my favorite places in the world! I love being with the guests and encouraging them to become better pickleball players.”