Pilates with Diane Wheatley - Rancho La Puerta
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Pilates with Diane Wheatley

Week of May 31, 2025

The magic of Pilates
Pilates isn’t really magic – but sometimes it feels like it. A regular Pilates practice will educate your body and your mind – teaching efficient movement, waking up and recruiting underused muscles, increasing strength, improving flexibility, mobility and balance.

Practicing this low impact exercise while at the Ranch will be energizing and fun. You’ll discover an ease of movement and empowerment as we move through the week. The class is progressive, starting with the basics and layering in new exercises and challenges each day. If you’re a novice, you’ll be supported with props and modifications to enhance your experience. And, if you’re experienced, you’ll be challenged. Oh, yes and it will be fun!

All of the benefits can be yours!  And, the best part, Pilates is suitable for everyone regardless of fitness level, age, shape, or size.  Anecdotal evidence shows that non-specific lower back pain can be reduced and sometimes eliminated (with a couple of studies to back them up *) – so maybe it is magic after all.


Diane Wheatley has been teaching movement for over 25 years (from the early days of the Jane Fonda Workout!). She was introduced to Pilates at her local gym and was totally hooked. She continued to practice and study and in the mid ’90’s met Dallas based Physical Therapist, Karen Sanzo. Karen had incorporated Pilates into her PT practice for many years and Diane trained with her gaining her Full Equipment and Mat Certification.

During that time she also started yoga training with teacher/trainer Karen Prior (Samatva Yoga, Mamaste Yoga). Her Pilates training sessions focus on the bodies she sees in front of her and her years of experience and training allow her to incorporate many different modalities into the class. If a Pilates exercise can’t give the student what we’re looking for – there’s always another way.